
For the rest of the conversation, I’d like to remind US citizens that racial politics really isn’t the same thing in Europe and in the US.

Does anybody want to go be American anywhere else in the world right now?

I wish they wouldn’t do that, but a filter solves that easily.

Same thing and it continues with me.

And, it’s bad security advice. It makes devices searching to connect to this network scream its name everywhere.

See, that’s one the benefits of the EU, I did not even think of passports even once in my life (I’m just a little older than the Maastricht Treaty).

Definitely Pratchett :)

It’s not. It’s the same organization under different names since the Treaty of Rome of 1958.

But it really actually truly is the same organization that has changed names and form! “European Union” is just the latest name.

I don’t get your argument here and what you are getting at...

The Treaty of Rome was signed in 1958 :/

I can’t believe that even in Europe, where I live, where many of my family died in camps, even there, this kind of people are raising their heads again.

Jail? Serious? It deserves at most minor slap on the wrist, some hard words from an official, and a symbolic fine significant enough to engrave it in the brain. There was no damage to anything or anyone but his own drone.

For that reason I love the reports on pornhub insight blog where they do stats :)

What protocol does he use to access any machine remotely wirelessly, seemingly as far as his mind can access?

Americans applying their political landscape and reading to Europe ;)

I was also a willing hostage of Meredith’s recaps.

I was a victim of True Blood.

The punctuation really make some of those shine.

For piano recordings, many of them are stereo, some of them have an unnaturally large stage, having the lows come through the right and the highs through the left is disconcerting for a piano player.