
I’ve seen people wear headphones, that are clearly designed to be comfortable one way and not the other, the wrong way.

Nice shots but wrong lenses I think :/

I wanted to see what those people see. I found this pearl of political analysis. “Marxist Obama”. How I wish the USSR never existed. Marx must have rolled so much in his coffin he might have reached the Earth’s core.

Hint for defining filters easily:
Gmail supports addresses like

Extreme: the movie Straw Dogs can act as a good reminder, small towns aren’t “rosy”.

I think English has grammar rules for this...

Peculiar case, but I ghosted my girlfriend of almost 3 years.

Wow... He’s actually 32... I forgot how young he was 10 years ago...

It doesn’t seem like they have had team dedicated to R&D for years, of course, I hope I’m wrong

That’s Kirk I think :)

To me lightweight means “ disabled”.


Ahah. Ahah. Ahah.

Sartre, get out of that body. You’re supposed to be dead.

I mean, even in the movie Inception itself, there’s acknowledgements of Escher’s work. Nolan never claimed any invention here I think.


Got to get that quota of words.

Puberty has come.

Germany isn’t “really real”.

I also love the colors in Fury Road, but Miller originally wanted it silent and B&W with only music... So there’s that to consider.