
The camera is always rotating...

I wasn’t really talking about the accident, but about my expectation of this movie’s quality.

“Normal” movie production sets a release date once filming is done. The only “predictable” part of movie making is editing.

Hint: the release date was set before production started.

I read (began reading) the books more than 15 years ago.

It seems difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating.

Alan, did you know about this subreddit /r/unixporn ? I didn’t until a few weeks ago :)

I understand, upgrading a CPU can be daunting (as it is the most central point of a computer)

That i3 6100 paired with a GTX 1080 and a watercooler on it. ^^

Frodo leaves Middle Earth at the end. People cry.

Well, I always was a nerd, the dude who can’t run etc.

Maybe this is was originally a satire of public service ?

At the same time ???

If you could just simply shut down servers, that would be a good world.

I just want to point out that literally all MMO have a Wiki, and their hardcore communities make tools, digital and physical, for their game, to improve their experience.

It’s decision from the high up in the Chromium project a few weeks ago :/

I’ll just my two cents.

He broke it only once ^^

It was released in February 2014, there was nothing really interesting releasing that day (I checked).