
(french here)

SI units are abstracted from human perceptions and defined as much as we can from the rules we’ve been able to observe so far, it’s by design that the meter isn’t defined by something “intuitive”. And it’s not like the lengh of a foot is “more” “intuitive” anyway.

Why should it be “intuitive and natural” ? If something (in general) is not “intuitive and natural” for you, it’s most likely because you weren’t raised with it.

I use four primary email addresses.

I haven’t, I feel duped. Everyone else here already has ?

Well, the Flash is overpowered... I wouldn’t like to be a writer. Luckily for me and the rest of the world, I’m not.

Thank you very much for writing all of this, it was very interesting to read :)

Could some of you North Americans explain to an European what is it you call “Network TV” and “Cable TV” ? Each time it’s mentionned I just shrug it off and forget about it, as it has no impact on me, but today I’d like to know.

Well. We don’t have mass killings every 3 days (or even on a regular basis you could put a number on).

There’s the police, their mission is to keep the peace in the city, as their name implies. That mission includes things like helping elderly citizens cross the road. Giving shelter to those who needs it. Protecting drug users (alcohol&etc) from themselves and others from them. Enforcing the rules of the road so that

In twenty years French police killed twice that I remember, all accidents. (not counting the past year terrorist attacks which were handled by ‘military’ forces) Though it’s worth noting that my memory is bad, and Amnesty claims between 5 and 10 killed per year by the police. Which I could believe.

I’m French. Living in Paris.

it’s a wonder they weren’t all shot on sight

Chromecasts needs a server to stream content. So unless you’re able to run a server on an Android phone you won’t be able to send content from your phone locally to your chromecast.

Ciri meets a knight of the Arthurian legend in one of her travels. (I can’t remember which knight, I think it was Galahad)

In the last book. Hi. Spoilers.

No cat I’ve seen has understood cantilevered structures.

“I forgot that Linux was still around”

I installed Ubuntu on the family computer of a friend, when there’s trouble, I gave them instructions on how to forward a port to their computer from their router, and I ssh into it, fix what needs fixing, and they undo the port forwarding.