
Isn’t this a reference to Oblivion a dev just slipped into the game ? :)

There’s a good explanation for that:

Me too ^^

♫ This bold renegade carves a Z with his blade,

Ok, that is clever in a way, but only when you’re in the loop of what they do.

Can someone explain the joke if there was one ? (not snarky, just confused)

A moose bit my sister once.

free perpetual energy

It has true gapless playback yes and I used Poweramp since I had an Android phone I think. I listen to a lot of classical music and ‘concept albums’, so I also pay attention to that feature.

It’s already been shown that lightning based headphones have higher audio fidelity.

I’d love to have the option at least.

Diggle will just surrender and shoot himself and his family at that point. The Flash was already a shock, magic, he hasn’t recovered from that yet, imagine superpowerful aliens entering his world. His mind would just crumble.

Those types of people are more likely to have an (several) actual computer(s) in front of them and have their phones lying flat beside their keyboard(s).

On the other hand, I bought my Nexus 5 in January 2014, never had a case on it and both the screen and the body are flawless.

Even in an IT envirronnement surrounded by nerds and geeks of all kind who should care about their phone, 50% and more of the screens seem broken. From my own observations (micro level) iPhones screens seem to break more than others smartphones’.

The difference between engineers and scientists. Scientists will test everything to confirm or infirm theories. Engineers will do not something based on gut feeling.


After some more thoughts on the topic, and re reading one album:

As a French, quite immersed in English, your translation of Haddock’s curses were always... Lacking ? I don’t know but each time, I understand that you’re quoting Haddock, and each time I feel underwhelmed ^^

Now playing

The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss