
In the last book. Hi. Spoilers.

Isn’t this a reference to Oblivion a dev just slipped into the game ? :)

There’s a good explanation for that:

Me too ^^

♫ This bold renegade carves a Z with his blade,

A moose bit my sister once.

The difference between engineers and scientists. Scientists will test everything to confirm or infirm theories. Engineers will do not something based on gut feeling.

Now playing

The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss

There’s a demon on the desk in the last picture. I suggest evacuation of the premices. I’ll stay to ensure it does not follow you.

If your particular City Overhaul does more than texture work, no. But there’s high chance the author has done compatibility patch for Open Cities, if he hasn’t there’s loads of cities overhauls which have a patch.

So, still insane. Good to know ^^

I still have a, mostly unjustified now, reflex of “elite disgust” when I see links to the steam workshop. I still maintain that this isn’t the way to mod Bethesda’s game properly, but it’s better than it was from what I’ve heard. One day, when I get back to Skyrim I’ll try to mod that way, but I already know it won’t

Actually, you can see the sales in “real time” on since the beginning, even in 2011, you could already see the number of sales each day on the site.

Recently I caught my sister (who is handicapped) chatting with something which was clearly a chatbot hidden behind the facade of one of those “seers” (you know the kind, overcharged texts etc).

I think it’s more a limitation on the side of the Chromecast, it needs an HTTP server to feed it content I think.

There’s no spoiler in “real life”, spoilers only apply to fictions.

Or just generate passwords like:

It’s public about something definetly inconsequential and private, so I bet it would be illegal. Public shaming of elected officials is one thing, public shaming of private individual is another.

I think it’s illegal in most countries to encourage people in unlawful behavior.

You talk very differently from your writing style :)