Thank you! :)
Thank you! :)
Have any of you a good video exemple of this game that would show what Richard is writing about ?
He is in the background of many scenes in the base game :)
Witcher 3.
Are they ? I don’t have any significant interest in multiplayer games, what’s the new thing ?
I have watched many conferences online... How is it different ?
If they are... Well that’s bad... By the time it launches, chances are the next big thing in video game will have begun and MOBAs will be on the decline... (I’m saying that’s a possibility, people, don’t get all fussy, things come and go, when there’s a beginning there’s an end, etc etc etc)
New instead of patched old engine would be good... Loading screens aren’t the issue for me at least...
Their games don’t push the GPU much but still have bad performance... They don’t leverage the power of the chip at all...
That’s the only downside of Notepad++, the interface (that’s according to me ofc)... But you can deactivate some of it in the settings/preferences.
I did not know this, but yeah in some way it has some truth, at least according to the Starcraft wiki
Does it come in black ?
It looks very very fragile and beautiful.
(FYI: the only ones saying it’s the “industry standard” are themselves, and you shouldn’t believe what a company says about themselves, I believe there was quite a discussion on /r/sysadmin recently about that)
I will add:
In Robin Williams voice and french accent:
I’m in the Dishonored, (old) Thief school of stealth games I think ^^
I get Hideo Kojima impact and all, but I’m almost ashamed to say I’ve never played any of his games ^^”
Until Revengeance and MGS5 they never were on a platform I owned, my parents were okay with buying computers but not consoles.
And some people want to make me believe AFK = IRL.
Ach Ja.
AFK ? On a console ? Neat trick.