
I love that I can read this on Kotaku.

Yep, magic.
Witcher for hire, kill monsters, dispell curses and clean your house at microcellular level.

I also read all the books, but each time they mentionned this, I thought “but his skin must carry germs anyway, and even if he is immune, viruses could still live inside him, bacterias could use him as host”

Lifelong torrentor ? Go on ?

With the new interface I was able to tell Steam to never show me “early access” and “pre-order” games, they added really good filters.

I went trough W1 and W2 and have had only 3 sex scenes :/

I was reacting to the first sentence, but your comments is much more insightful.

Given that you can’t buy 4K copies of movies, yet, why would you currently build a 4K home theater anyway ? It’ll be cheaper later... /reactingtothefirstsentence

I’m 23 and also think of them almost as much, it causes a weird thing in my brain, it tries to think of two things at once. x)

He is Batman but he isn’t Bruce Wayne so does he enter the contest ? Anyway ? (I am a sad adult who has just got the integral of Batman Beyond and is watching them since saturday)

There has been several update these past weeks :/
(All of them named after Terry Pratchett’s characters... which hits me every time)

Nightwing has some REALLY GREAT costums but this one and the one in the trailer aren’t really to my tastes :)

The tired trope I was using was “the man who likes sports and behaves in manly fashion doesn’t like gays”.

And the stainless steel they use (at least in France, but I doubt they change it in other countries) is the best quality you can get.

What if your kid was gay ? God forbid your child is different from yourself.

Just to add something unimportant, but I really like ebony, it’s a really nice wood, I’ve now got several items made out of it...

Well where I live, Paris - France, carrying a screwdriver is already suspicious, carrying a knife longer than 8 cm is enough to get arrested, carrying a gun is downright illegal.

I’ve got an Opinel No 8 with an ebony handle, and now the metal ring does allow to lock the blade when closed thanks to a little notch at the bottom (see picture).

Wrist injuries are bad for people working with computers :/
A friend of mine had one that lasted several months...

Steam Workshop does not provide the tools needed to do extensive modding