
11.99 hello

What TotalBiscuit aspire for isn’t “objectivity” it’s “independance from”. I say that, because I think he uses the wrong word since years, and I watch almost all of his videos. He has never been objective, no one has ever been in the history of men, he just tries to distance himself from outside influence.

What’s the difference between a TV screen and a PC monitor ? Apart from the average size ?
Because I used a 27” monitor, which in my small room is entirely sufficient.

I don’t really care about Chappie. My comment is more like “If [anyone] discovered someone changed their [creation] without their consent”.

Must be weird to wake up with dozens of tweets about how your creation has been altered without your consent.

And in the end it pleases no one.

I have never spoiled anyone online, on the other hand, IRL sure, my friends deserved it.

For the stealth you’re a bit wrong I think, you need on the contrary to embrace your mistakes, and live with them, that’s what Ubisoft and so many others get wrong about stealth, insta-fail is bad, living with your mistake is good.

Is this a “Wilhelm Scream” of the DVD cover designers ?

This is high quality writing. I like it.

I thought of that one too before the announcement of the Master, but I really can't use small mice :/
So I'll take something bulkier, heavier, instead of having a smaller, lighter, mouse. I just can't :/

I thought of that one too before the announcement of the Master, but I really can't use small mice :/
So I'll take

I think I'll buy this one later this year, I'll have to move around a bit more and work in places I can't know beforehand. So wireless, logitech tracking, seems to have good battery. It may even replace my desk mouse if I grow to like it enough when I return.

I think I'll buy this one later this year, I'll have to move around a bit more and work in places I can't know

With difficulties.

Well, there’s no Berserk. I think. Can’t find any.

"Today" as in "April the first" ?

Matthew always was my preferred thief.

Seinnheiser are the only audio hardware manufacturers in this contest. I know who I trust for mices and I know who I trust for sound. If Seinnheiser made mices I would still buy Logitech's.

10^156 years
At 50 billion calculations per second.

I want more people to read this piece. Video games, the perspective they could give, video games as pieces of cultural constructs commenting on our society and the experience of one man.

I like broccoli. :'(