Did someone notice ? This is the most expensive work of "art" (if we dont count buildings) ever done ?
Did someone notice ? This is the most expensive work of "art" (if we dont count buildings) ever done ?
Did it, but he needs to be beheaded.
I think I'll never kill this poor Orc now, I know I could somehow (had a few hours of play since), but I like him. He's good in his wicked way.
That doesn't cut his head off ^^
He's warchief I don't know :/
Did he require finisher while being invulnerable to -precisely- finishers ? ^^
Maybe it's something that needs patching :) But it does give them a "character"
Look at the picture of his skillset just below and cry for me please :*)
I got one orc who beat me so many time he's level 20 and now, I can kill him, but he keep coming back! I think we're getting married next tuesday.
"Metro for Steam" is just a fancy name, it is just a steam skin like any other (I use it since 2 years already). It will work on whatever OS Steam is installed on.
Why does this, of all mothers of the Internet, makes me laugh ?
Did you forget the 11/11/11 ? Skyrim ?
That was 2011.
Dum dum dum ♫
Destiny calls.
When games will use more than 20 to 40% of my i5 and more than the first 2 cores I'll believe those "recomended" specs.
Shadow Warrior 2013 was very fun :)
(and had a very good weapon balance, but maybe missing multiplayer ?)
They began working on the RGB keyboards when I bought the K70, I thought I would cry, and suddenly the world was a better place as soon as I saw the new keyboards with this logo.
They began working on the RGB keyboards when I bought the K70, I thought I would cry, and suddenly the world was a…
I quickly understood it was a time eater with a BDSM syndrom, instaquit. Not interested in that ^^
Is it possible to not grind ? Is it possible play solo ? Is it possible to play offline ?
No I genuinely couldn't remember :/
I already went to bulbapedia