
What gender is the Pikachu in the TV serie ?
There must be a wiki about that...

But your money is already gone, they don't care how bad the game is if everyone bought it.

There are tons of worthy games who could benefit from the exposure those short articles would provide.

I'm complaining because there isn't still any review on this site, yet there are tons of short article like this.

But there are tons of things who could have coverage instead the one game!
There are too many games out there while we talk about only one.

Could some of you stop flooding with a bloody MMO (incomplete from what I read) ? It's not like there's not enough news in the VG world...

I want one who would comply with the 3.1 USB norm

I want one who would comply with the 3.1 USB norm

(my problem with those magazines: count the pages of advertising, look at the number of pages, do the math.)

Or Lancelot running in a loop ;)

Internet is kinda like a shared memory pool :)

Dude, stop worrying about map projections! It's a sphere you'll never be able to project it onto another thing than a sphere :P

Sorry, you made me laugh ! Really ! And feel old !

Wink wink nod nod.

Those are GPUs if I am not mistaken ?

And it happens to be the plants featured here :)

I get up at 6 or 6:30 am, and usually get sleepy at 1 or 2 am ^^
I'm in the same boat as you.

Asus JZ series ? Yep, don't they have vertical small fans ? Insane thickness...

Guess: Tiny fan and defective hdd ?