I don't do it very regularly, but as it happens I just did it this week end ^^
I don't do it very regularly, but as it happens I just did it this week end ^^
Why would I ever want more than 2Mb of RAM ?
Yeah, I don't think anyone at Game Freak is thinking this hard (sadly).
He grew up in Poland, didn't live there and had french citizenship :/
And his father was french.
It's really a grey area :/
He was European in any case.
Professional FPS gamer on console ?
Does this even exist ?
Pro versus fighting, yes of course, but FPS pro on console ? There are pro competition in this ? The grid is aiming for you on console, why would there be competition ?
Well, atleast it's not Uplay.
Can we talk about how the lack of horsepower of these consoles will considerably slow down the R&D in the video games industry ?
You murican need to learn to cook a steak, I can't believe it.
I know how to cook a steak in 7 different fashion since I was twelve or fourteen ?
Plus, minced beef... berk... Get real meat, then try to learn a french how to cook.
(this is partly a joke)
Certainly not ^^
A large part of the american internet users started with aol... So...
Closed topic ? :)
He doesn't have to show his resume to anyone who doesn't already know who he is though ?
If anything, this latest "Kids React" video from The Fine Bros makes me want to pick up an old Apple for the kids, so they can learn how to use computers the proper way. And by the proper way I mean oh my god I'm my dad.
Don't know... Are you credited for all the things involved here or just assembling pieces together ? Because the idea (the patent) is creative, sure, the actual process, not so much.
No, there's no need to choose only one indeed :)
I think when it comes to creativity, both are equals, and equals to painting, drawing, writing. It's just different medium for 3D constructions. (but inside Minecraft you can specialize in logic circuitry, which makes it a "two in one" medium)
Android: Minecraft is a game/creativity tool that nearly rivals Lego for unleashing the power of your imagination. Naturally, it's a perfect fit for your home screen.
Oh thanks :)
A "Mark as read" option would be good, I use a google lab feature to have that on the desktop, but a "Mark as read" on the mobile app would be good too.
Or you could take 2 witnesses, go sign the damn papers, spare drama and money. Be done with it. Straight to the point of BEING married (in our society), ie. saving money.
Quick, easy, almost painless. Eat pasta in your kitchen with your friends, be cool about it.
Or just go with two witnesses sign the damn papers and be done with it in half an hour ?
Spare the drama and the expanse for everyone involved and right to the point of being married, ie. saving money.
I'm so very sorry to not be american.
Because all I could find was that it was some kind of bad organized pension for retirement.
And I wanted more context than that.