There's also this problem : with the rise in storage capacity, many devs took the habit of not optimizing their files.
There's also this problem : with the rise in storage capacity, many devs took the habit of not optimizing their files.
Not safe
When in the NA I have the exact same feeling ^^
I'm sorry about that, many of my fellow french aren't very cosmopolitan...
Remember that nowadays, it's not only kids, gaming has evolved as its consumer base grew. 10 years ago, I was 15 and one of the kids on, now a large part of video game player are full grown adult near 40 yo.
Makes me think of Damdam, a french superplayer (also trans)...
I can. I'm super. I take my 25 pounds tower of pc gaming master race alongside my 32 inch monitor everywhere I go. Sure it's a bit on the heavy side, but you can't be the master race for nothing right ?
There are several apps for that on Android, the one I use is called "Mighty Text"
I even type my SMS on my computer now. Wirelessly. The phone is in the other room.
A dialect ? Like the Tuscan to the Italian ?
But you could communicate with another human being through lines of code.
And I would even add : mathematics and progamming languages are also languages.
I never met anyone who played that..
I never heard any young players, but yeah, the voice chat (and text chat) are very cool :)
No you didn't say it.
Quite good actually, I managed to get to me mails tonight ! This Internet thing is really impressive !
There were Superhero movies this year ?
Drawing, or even "doing" something shitty.
Actually the voice chat in "Guns of Icarus Online" has a very cool community (EU servers at least, and there's only a few hundreds people playing), lots of fun across all European countries, I once had a captain from the UK, 2 dutch players and me and my friend (french), it was a lot of fun ^^
Wouldn't make much sense though, unless the indie has a very good idea of what Picasso meant and a thorough (at least, better than average) knowledge of Art (painting, photography etc)