
Are you thinking of :

I was thinking that to, but at some point something about him made me think otherwise, I can't remember, it's been f***ing long since I read the books.

Went to play Toss the Turtle instead ^^

I want another longer Orc Must Die to share with friends ^^

He's not dead !

Thanks ^^
I learned mostly because I wanted my episode of my favourite TV shows or (when I was younger but still now) scanlation of mangas every week and couldn't wait for subtitles, so I just listened and learned listened and learned, until I understood. (and I had ONE good teacher)

No that's fine, I'm beginning to accommodate
Thank you, I didn't know this site yet

Why is it in caps ? I really can't read that... I want to, I just can't, my eyes are popping outside of head

Why no angry Sangoku or Vegeta ?

Why no Sangoku or Vegeta ?

According to predictions tablets should be more powerful than "next gen" consoles in 2015-2016. Just you wait ^^

If one buys a lot of games I suggest that this person won't do anything harmful, he or she will be stuck at home for a long time.

I know it all, I'm French myself and I studied Latin and ancient Greek (five years each) and one of my teachers taught us also some basis in some other mediterranean languages.

AND : making money out of it.

I never did any latin translation (at school) with the word left (nor right...) but I believe you ^^

Well the latest Obsidian cases from Corsair (and the 330r carbide) are also in this shift.

I'm left-handed. Yet when it comes to computers, like most other lefties I know, I use a mouse with my right hand. It's I was taught. So I've never seen the need for a mouse that tries to somehow accommodate both normal humans and sinister mutants.

Well, in IT there's always a more clever way to do things than brute force through things, if someone figures out a way to randomize variables in animations this could be the way.