I really think game directors should be considered like film directors or writers, THEY have the right on their creation.
I really think game directors should be considered like film directors or writers, THEY have the right on their creation.
Yep, knew all of that ^^
Dunno why I expected Firefox to have nine tails... It was to be expected I guess
Sarah Connor ?
Pretty and realistic or even beautiful aren't the same things that's why :)
I love pokémon but i easily understand you :)
There's soon bound to be a bunch of news about a game I don't like, but we get over it ^^
One the first contact with western country was with the Portugal
For any person willing to spend that money on his PC, the amount of money spent isn't a limiting factor generally speaking. I know it, I love building PCs with high end components more than I enjoy playing games now.
I did the same mistake a few years ago.
Fair point.
Do not be afraid of writing anything. Anything.
I put quote because it's not much of a "port" as ps4 and xbone are x86 systems there is much less work to do and as the major part of the porting job has been done it wouldn't be a complete portage anyway
Will the Diablo III be also "ported" to the PS4 ?
[I speak french; gotta love that scene]
was a sort of test ^^
It would work if the scenarist was involved enough in it. As always, it all come down to the writer of the story.
You're right.
My opinion on those things is as follow :
The money of the backers isn't taken until the project reach its goal. That's one the perk of crowdfunding.
So glad I kept my DS lite all those years *.*