I write the number on the 2nd page, I like my little row of clean leather books on my shelf
I write the number on the 2nd page, I like my little row of clean leather books on my shelf
I want that.
That's totally fine :)
I'd still hide my ass from the Alien
In France we have a "superplayer" (meaning making ultra high score in arcade shooter game) who's a trans, you can't imagine how her twitch chat is polluted (and severely moderated too because of it)
Yeah, that I can agree with.
Nobody cared before the TV show ? WtF man ?
You're mistaken, both companies want your money. Period. They want your money. It's their living.
I would not have chosen "satisfying" as the right word, but I agree
I played Arkham City and Dishonored in the same month (24h on Batman, 69h Dishonored), and I felt so much more "batmanish" in Dishonored ^^
It's a less of a problem with European languages (I'm french myself) but I agree, once I knew enough of English I dispensed myself from subtitles
She's much better than me at any games (except SSF) in fact...
Each time i read Ibiza now, I think of that : 2:01
But the excess of pollution adding to the natural climate could create those thick clouds ? No ?
I really don't know, I'm asking
Why would you complain to have the choice ? I mean, on a basic keyboard, there's 110 keys. More than enough to have a holster key.
Pointless ? You walk faster without a gun in your hand, NOBODY carries a gun 24/7 in his hand.
I don't understand either, but it's the relocation of the search bar that concerns me much more.
I made a post about that, just here, menus go to the left, suggestions to the right, think dictionary. It's a whole instinctive thing, cause we all learnt from something like a dictionary.
You can't revolutionize something that worked for thousands of years. (in our reading system of course, in other system it is, of course, of the other way around)
Thank you