
What will the sequel be named I wonder.
It can't be "Dishonored" this was reserved for Corvo and Daud and I'm sure that if there is a sequel it won't have Corvo or Daud in it.

In fact if you care for it, look at the credit for the actress who dubbed the Empress and the Heart. You may be pleased :)

The major question for me is :

I'm not an native english speaker but I like to play games in the language there were conceived, so I play in english with subtitles (because while I understand very well, I play mostly at night when I'm tired and my brain goes back to french)

The train and the rails act as a faraday cage. The current is directly transferred to the ground.

I don't believe any second that MS developed a completely new wireless protocol out of the blue (without talking about it and trying to spread it across multiple platforms).

I think they're just using a 2,4GHz WiFi with a special encryption. (it was 1,6GHz with the previous controller and now 5,0GHz is becoming the

Dev kits aren't betas.
Drivers used in the Xbone aren't betas either. The xbone is running a crippled version of windows 8.

The part about PC compatibility not available is bullcrap.
What's a dev kit of a console ? A pc emulating the console. On what plateform did they develop their controller driver and tested it ? Windows 7 or 8 (or Linux but don't say it).

That's just bullcrap marketing.

How many copies of Grid 2 sold ? (not counting those sold bundled with intel processor)

Should we comment on that picture ? (edit: other than by saying : "Japan.")

Not even good censorship, there was anime (and live films) that were redrawn (or edited) completely. That's good censorship ^^

There's the two guys going in only to make bad puns about games titles and people staring at CoD boxes.
Those two are unbearable and they always seem to be slamming each others back.

I remember when I was a kid I watched F1 races sunday morning, and I remember very clearly one time when one mech fucked up, it was 30 secs instead of 3-4 secs ^^

In Fire Emblem Awakening, there's this thing : when you go into the barracks, there's always someone to tell you "go to sleep, it's late" in various ways...

A game other than "Pokemon" ? ^^

There's independent studios working with Nintendo ?

Look at the art box on the first Elder Scrolls games.

It was his project for some time to continue his studies. Maybe parents pressure (in France "normal" studies impose a lot of social pressure), or himself, but he was public about wanting to study medicine.

It's not "physically" connected by land, but the Channel is only 50m deep (at most 174m deep) and it's the same tectonic plate.

The problem with mass effect is they make the gameplay longer by making you FARM minerals for hours. Without that (I used trainers to skip those parts) the game last less than 6-7 hours. ONE NIGHT.