
Well, from what I've heard it's very hard to balance a fighting game.

Think of Starcraft II, it's the same thing, pro were playing on SC I during 10 years, they all moved to SC II when it came out. (a few still remained exclusive SC I players...)

It's all about the competitive scene.

First rule in any FE games :

If I spend money on my PC it's because building my personal computer is my passion (and my dad's before me), I don't play much anymore, I just enjoy building and messing with my thing :)

That's called factory overclocking.

Things change.

I use the wiki for games (like Fire Emblem) to have all the numbers, growth rate of my characters (or tree of technologies). For Dark Souls I used it also to have stats of equipments in a more user friendly interface.

Actually if there's anything in common with sponsored SC2 players, they don't play anymore. There's basically forced to train, and prefer to do other things when they can.

Why would professionals who live thanks to their passion couldn't enjoy the game they loved enough to became pro ?

And if the players wanted to play ?

My point is : you can't let ignorance lead you.

Good point. Even if it isn't recorded as a war, it should be. Along with gulags and many other things.

Well, in this is the case, you have to educate yourself before trying to raise a person into a responsible adult. Teach a kid what was terrible, and what was good. ex : Colonialism was bad, Pasteurization was good. (few things are clearly cut, even colonialism wasn't all bad)

Will it be okay then if I wave this flag around ?

Do the maths, much less "impressive" (i hate to say this, all wars are bad) than 60 millions in 6 years.

But if you don't teach your kid that those uniforms and symbols, mean something, and something very "wrong" in western history, then what kind of person are you ?

Well to be fair, those two wars happened after Industrial Revolution and the exponential growth of global population, remember :

You're missing the point, we're talking about wars, not diseases.

Again, what's the deluge ? the biblical event ? a war I don't know about ?