I do not contest that violence has decreased in the last 70 years, but the ratio of death/year during the World Wars was far greater than during any other wars in the past.
I do not contest that violence has decreased in the last 70 years, but the ratio of death/year during the World Wars was far greater than during any other wars in the past.
Not only in terms of numbers, but in terms of ratio death/year.
Arithmetically : you said it yourself, these wars took several decades each time.
There was several weddings in nazi's uniform in china also ? I think i read that somewhere
In terms of numbers I think you're mistaken.
I chose this image because I thought it expressed well that you didn't miss the point, but derived from it :/
I failed
Thank you for the information :)
That's not good enough :)
(for my tastes)
That game (above) is produced by WB.
I really don't know.
I still can't believe there wasn't any kind of lobbying behind it. I may be wrong.
Warner Bros, okay, now I know why League of legends was decided to be a sport recently. WB was pushing for his own license in the future.
Yep you're right :)
My point still holds though, I see no problem other than the usual hollywood industry doing their usual bs
I was not talking about the social (racial, I loathe that word) issue here, because it's obviously not the matter here. The problem pointed here is the deformation of history, magical things, monsters and fairy.
Could we reply to the Japanese people :
Awkward (even dangerous) when it happens by text with gf
I know you were joking :)
Most benchmark are (i think) much more intensive than that :)
It's in french, but maybe some of you may be able to read it, it's hilarious, a test of the oldest mmorpg "IRL" http://www.nioutaik.fr/index.php/2007…
Fire Emblem has numerous option to speed up battle once your fed with the animations, why not Pokemon ?