
Everybody feels like that sometimes. I wound up actually calling my ex-husband’s father for comfort. I am still on meds, and hanging on by my fingernails. My roommate bullied me ( I paid all the bills including food) and did what she wanted including not talking to my best friend who lives next door. When she decided

You are doing so much better. It really sounds like you are in an upward spiral, and have been making some really positive choices about exercise, therapists and treatment.

Are you wonder woman? Because that is a huge amount of achievement that many people with your situation would never be able to do. If I could send you a treat, I would. As it is, it sounds like you are doing everything exactly like you should. You are amazing! Let people see you! I think that they would be very

Sending internet hugs to you. Doing things alone can be hard - props to you for getting out there. Enjoy the movie.

The mood swings from Bi Polar 2 are less intense & easier to deal with ...

Your progress and growth are amazing. I wish you lived near me so we could go see Black Panther.

Good job on the self care! Sorry you are feeling alone. “Comparison is the theif of joy” this has been my mantra all week and really helps in those moments of feeling like you are not being as productive, social, successful etc as everyone else.

It definitely sounds like you’re making progress. Keep trying with your friends; even with the best will in the world, it’s often hard to coordinate for an outing.

Inevitably, has been shut down. The New York Times reports that on Friday, the F.B.I. raided the home

You can do it!

Same problem my entire life. So easy by myself. Impossible with others. I wish I could offer some advice. I can’t. But at least know that you are not the only one. I have managed to find pleasure with my partner(s) and maaaybe experienced the “O” with one person. I think that my upbringing has a lot to do with it. If

I don’t think I’ve ever been so early to one of these SNS posts before, wow!

Craft Thread!

Well I had a baby ten minutes before Monday was over. The placenta decided to rip itself away from my uterus in some sort of attempt to kill us both. That was the least fun I’ve ever had, but fortunately my intuition brought me to the hospital an hour earlier.

That is all great to hear; and many people don’t realize that a B-12 deficiency can play hell with mood, so dealing with just that one thing may pay off unexpectedly.

If you enjoyed Southern Reach then give Borne by Vandermeer a try, liked it even more.

Those are so cool! I’ve never understood the LEGO fascination until now, but those are sculptural and interesting. Thanks for the pics.

This is amazing. I am so happy for you!!!!

This is so great to hear! You’re doing it. You’re doing all the positive things to make your life good. You didn’t give up. That’s huge! As far as getting back out in public...I hear you. Tough for me, too. Think more about where you’re going and not so much about the people. That helps me. And it’s okay to step back