Yes, that worked really well! But that was really just a case of newer writers (who “got” Cap a lot better) contrasting their Cap with Whedon’s Cap. That it also worked to suggest a growth over intervening years was serendipitous.
Yes, that worked really well! But that was really just a case of newer writers (who “got” Cap a lot better) contrasting their Cap with Whedon’s Cap. That it also worked to suggest a growth over intervening years was serendipitous.
I agree. Whedon never got Cap. And I think it’s honestly because, if you look back over Whedon’s work (and I watched Buffy and Angel all the way through, and am still a Firefly fan!), he has no REAL place for that kind of sincere earnestness. I don’t think he thinks someone can BE a hero without some snark and…
Cap lifting the hammer was even bigger, really. But yeah, that whole sequence... I understand some of the problems folks have with some of it, but it’s an amazing sequence.
(You see, I did promise!)
I promise, I will make a point to go looking for your griping. So that we may gripe together, some more. ;-)
Hi, yes, I’m STILL angry at how badly they did TDIR. (That book in particular means a lot to me.)
As I mentioned in a comment elsewhere: I was too young for my parents to allow me to see JAWS in the theater (age 7; am amazed at those saying their parents allowed them to see it at 6!). But that didn’t keep me and all of my friends from knowing about it, buying the t-shirts, and the toys. I spent summers in a town…
You know, it’s a good question. I’ve always super liked Scheider. And it’s one of those things where, the few roles he had really stick out to me.
I think you also can’t dismiss the fact that for a lot of beach towns, June-August is when people make their money. It’s a short period of time in which you’re making a huge share of your yearly earnings. Especially in the 70s. So there would have been huge pressure on the mayor not to scare away business. And if…
It’s actually kind of heartening that they’ve come to realize, on Cape Cod, that shark tourism can actually be a plus.
It does bear remembering that a number of the great dino effects in the first Jurassic Park were practical, not CGI. The entire animatronic T-rex, for example; the guys in the raptor suits.
(As I said above, I’m astonished to be one of the few who had parents who DID prevent me from seeing it!)
I’m just impressed your folks allowed you to see it at 6! I was 7, and totally was NOT allowed. (I didn’t see it until catching it on TV in the early 80s.)
I was too young to be allowed to see the film in the theater, but because JAWS was omnipresent that summer, I still had the t-shirt. :)
I mean this with the greatest respect and fondness towards Neil Young, whose stuff I really love, but... Neil Young?
Same. Couldn’t be a bigger fan, but uh, no.
My station played “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” and I just about fell out of my chair.
Hey, just taking the chance to say to some of my favorite commenters here that I’m going to miss seeing your commentaries. You’re one of the people I could always count on for some good writing.
I feel like all of the Splinter commenters need to agree on another of the GM sites to post updates on. (Pick one, Gizmodo, Kotaku, The Root, etc.)
Ugh, just seeing this now. Honestly, I’m going to miss a number of commenters here on Splinter, including you. :( I hope you may still post comments at some of the other GM sites (are those staying up? I haven’t even gone to check further yet).