
Save your money, if you want to donate then donate to the humanitarian charities trying to get people out and food and shelter in. Even when Russia is kicked out, The Ukraine is devastated and will not have an aircraft industry, nor much of anything to fly out, for a long-long time after. They are facing a generation

Ken Paxton and the rest of the right wing really don’t get how Facebook facilitates their propaganda and circulates it. If they actually managed to hurt facebook in any significant way, it would almost certainly destroy the VERY easy access they have to their VERY gullible base of voters.

This might sound morbid, but I am... ‘Happy’ is not the right word... ‘Pleasantly surprised’ could be the right response... About Cheslie’s mother admitting that she wasn’t aware of the severity her daughter’s depression.

If this world could move to thinking about depression like any other terminal disease, it would be helpful. Just like cancer, it is insidious. Many people will survive it while others will not, even if they look like they are on the path to recovery.

Depression is not something that ‘plays fair’. It knows your darkest thoughts, deepest insecurities, and buried fears. It will exaggerate and lie.  You need to use whatever it takes to beat it.

This fucking breaks my heart.

Damn. You can have everything, but nothing at the same time. Take care of your loved ones. Encourage people to seek help. Be kind to one another and whatever happens, don’t let those negative motherfuckers win.

Oh boy are you about to be disappointed. Not only have I now written about counterweights, but I’ve also written about blue anodized wheel cylinders:

Astrophysicist 1: Come look at this new galaxy. It doesn’t have any weird stuff.

Men looking at women isn’t toxic masculinity. Men not caring whether or not the women being looked at consented is toxic; men harassing and stalking women is toxic; men saying gross things about women to seem more manly around other men is toxic. 

Your sexist language is revolting.

Is there really any reason to refer to any woman as a "cum dumpster?"

This would make a terrible movie.

I have 3 xbox 360's sitting on a shelf as parts, I can disassemble one of them and send it to you if you want.

Here’s how they did it if anyone is interested:

Every surface level road is a legal road for cyclists unless it’s specifically marked otherwise and you, as a driver, are the responsible party to avoid hitting them.

8 peremptory challenges? EIGHT?!? Up here, we only get THREE.

I am a senior living on disability and in my city, I have managed to live alone in a one-bedroom apartment since my marriage ended seven years ago. This past year has seen a big jump in rent prices countrywide but my city was hit especially hard, having been considered low for years. I had been in full panic mode

I’m always amazed by the type of person who just can’t wait to get the the comment section of these types of articles so they can detail just how stupid the victim is, hand-wave the predatory nature of the lender/bank/dealership and gush about how they would never have fallen for a scheme like that. I can never tell

You’re a bad person.

“This person wasn’t financially literate, therefore the predatory lenders are good.”

Capitalism is amoral.