
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) pay higher underwriting fees to issue tax-exempt bonds, compared to similar non-HBCUs. This appears to reflect higher costs of finding willing buyers: the effect is three times larger in the far Deep South, where racial animus remains the most severe. Credit quality



“We deliberately did a shitty job at something for our paying customers because we hate people who have different subjective taste in food than us! Aren’t we awesome?”

Thoughts and Prayers

The agenda is not “penis is evil”, but rather “why should we accept unwanted penis and tolerate career punishment for rejecting said unwanted penis”.

The answer is in telling the computers when it’s using bad images, and telling government agencies to get better images, and getting programmers to know what a bad picture looks like. You and others here keep arguing from the POV that humans aren’t a part of any of this process, and it just is what it is. Again,

That’s the thing though: it HAS been solved by people willing to solve it. You just don’t know, and given information to the contrary, assume me to be a meanie, when I was at least including myself in the “we”s up there. All I’m saying is that continuing to believe that film and CCD technology just magically appeared

The technical reason is that film and CCD technology was created by white people at Kodak trying to take good pictures of a white lady named Shirley. Your argument essentially require one to believe that film stock and digital chips just grow on trees and that’s the ONLY way we get pictures and have to just deal with

Hi guys! Since we Hiyathereyall has said he’ll dismiss people who explain grammar to him, let’s start a separate thread he can’t control to talk about how stupid he is to first, not get that female as an adjective is fine but female as a noun is not, and second, actually link to a post showing that he’s wrong as

Okay, I’ll take a stab at it. Off the top of my head:

are you new here 

Ladies and gentlemen, case in point.

It must be nice working for Uber, though I hope you’ve got another job lined up. Feel like this programme is only one more embarassment to/potential lawsuit against Uber away from being shuttered...

Why do women stay in abusive relationships?

If Mr Polanski wants to be reinstated, he should be able to be reinstated. Provided that he submit written justification for reinstatement in person to the Academy’s offices in California.

You seem to be confusing highly qualified tech and industry jobs with those that are relatively low skill – driving, check out registers, etc. The widening income gap and lack of opportunities for people to to climb up the ladder (all the while having to endure companies forcing them to put up with more BS and fewer

Cheirha’s fiance, Lamar Sistrunk, reportedly asked an officer what the officer would do if it was his son, to which the cop reportedly replied: “My son wouldn’t be in that predicament.”

Get well soon, Fahey. We want you back.