I LOVE watermelon rind, which everyone thinks is fucking bizarre. It's so bitter and juicy, yummmm. Definitely makes you poop.
We need 4 hippos and about 60 watermelons. Now
I feel like an Obama apologist of some sort at this point. I still believe in the man, I just don’t believe in his administration. I think he’s a lower grade Jimmy Carter and spent too much of his presidency trying to get the right wingers to put on their big kid pull-ups and work with him. So I have friends who are…
For as much public adulation that Clinton gets, he really has a fucking awful legacy in a lot of areas.
Kid. You just been fished slapped.
With all due respect, I will go out on a limb and tell you that you can kiss my *ss. If more people would actually grow a pair, stand up and say NO when it is warranted, things might be a bit better between all of us. I said NO when I felt it was warranted. When I am part of the paying public, I refuse to have some…
Yes, I have. I'm still p'od about it, too. I went into Starbucks on Friday to get a latte. I go into this Starbucks regularly - it's my local store. I received my drink with the Race Together sticker on it. I returned to the register and the person asked what was wrong with the drink. I said "nothing", and I then…
It went down in flames even faster that I expected! Good riddance. Large corporations have, hands down, the stupidest, most out of touch ideas about what real people are like.
Fruits and vegetables.
And can't admit when they're wrong.
Proving again that CEOs are completely out of touch with the real world.
I do not envy Bruce Jenner right now.
Editor's note: We used the male pronoun in this piece because there has been no official confirmation from Jenner about a transition, nor has Jenner made clear any preference regarding pronouns. Please feel free to email me at marchman@deadspin.com if you have any questions or concerns.
In the summer of 1976, Bruce Jenner was just about the biggest athlete in America. He had just returned from the…
You should start wiping your dick on her incredibly soft hand towels then bring up the wet towels when she freaks out on you about it. -Girlfriend whose boyfriend did this.
Is this taking into account temperature differences? Because a pretty straightforward back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that if a ball was inflated to 12.5 psi at 70 F (a perfectly reasonable inside temperature) and is allowed to cool to 30 F (the ambient temperature around the time of Brady's INT), the…
They've made a movie of Z for Zachariah?!?!?