Oh Georgia. You've given us some crazy crap this last week. We thank you for that!
Could you please share with us the name of that show?
Interesting excerpt. Now I'm less angry and more understanding of Aaron Rodger's predicament.
That is hands down the most relatable story I have ever read on Gawker media as an ulcerative colitis, leoanal reservoir (j pouch), and now Crohns survivor. My heart breaks for you buddy! I can easily imagine.
Yes. You clearly said you WITNESS SNAP transactions every time you visit the grocery market. Other people using SNAP of course. How's that 5th grade reading, writing and comprehension level working out for ya?
Yes. I'm clearly a troll. Do you always resort to name calling when you fail to prove a point? Judging from your spelling mistakes (subsiziging?) and poor grammar I'm guessing GED perhaps? You're clearly a valuable member to American society who has just fallen on hard times these last two or three decades? Pity…
And I found my answer. You do enjoy our entitlement programs. Why am I not surprise?
That's from your personal experience after several decades of dependence on SNAP, WIC, Medicaid and such. Those are what we tax payers call "entitlements?"
Cowboy cookies with coconut in Colorado? I've been up here for six months and have yet to see a cowboy cookie and I am most certain you can't grow coconuts in the Rockies. In Texas a cowboy cookie is an entirely different thing all together, but that's a discussion for a different day and a much different forum.
Sex on a 3 series? That's so déclassée. Even for Lubbock. I'm fairly certain a sheep ranks slightly above a 3 series in West Texas.
Did I miss something? How can you acknowledge Mr. Bean, Blackadder, Fools and Horses, Are You Being Served, etc., etc., did anyone outside of the UK recognize that britcom clip, etc. without reference to Monty Python?
Ever so lovely Mags is at the Bayview Retirement Home near Bournemouth.
I had low expectations for the opening ceremony, so I have been pleasantly surprised. Perhaps it's because I'm a sucker for LEDs, strobe lights, and new age techno crap. In other words, I'm easily entertained by pretty lights and loud noises.
Surprisingly not, or at least not yet. There was an Eastenders reference along with a salute to Mr. Bean.