Chevy: Like a Rock
Chevy: Like a Rock
Let’s say there’s some sort of way to get past the Iraq War thing (there’s not). Bush also did more than “not share beliefs,” - the fucker put forth the Defense of Marriage Act. And I can’t seem to find anywhere that he repents for that. If she can somehow get past that....uh....good for her? But that’s a pretty…
I hate to ask, but is that legit?
Then they should just reveal it! Like, they’re literally not revealing it. That’s the friggin problem. Goddammit, the obtuseness of these Trump supporters is brain-breakingly bonkers.
This friggin guy was so clearly brazenly doing these horrible acts and it’s freaking PIZZAGATE that the conspiracy nuts latched onto.
R55 Clubman S owner checking in: can confirm, this is both doable AND the added benefit of vehicular space-limited packing curbing overpacking habits. MUCH RESPECT.
I laughed at watching tapes of "Sex Type Thing" cuz that's 💯 not what that Gen Zer is watching, it IS a reference only Gen Xers like you would make and I am 💯 comfortable with you, Edgy Peter King Drew.
Al the more reason for AOC to not respond to her.
Bing that she doesn't have a role except to go on camera and troll....why feed her? Why engage? I don't understand why anyone outside the administration should acknowledge anything Conway says, least of all AOC. Pelosi was right to speak above that liar, AOC should too.
Eh, a bit more idle musing on that statement than anything else: Citizens basically said corporations were having their first amendment rights denied, and the Wayfair CEO seems to be saying that corporations are not political and (very loosely) implying maybe that he feared government reprecussions by not doing the…
This sure does sound like a good example to hold onto as a challenge to Citizens United, eh?
Oh, I’m with you on that rolling chopper. Damn if it’s not both fun and effective.
These “business people” and “executives” sure pass the buck and show a distinct lack of spine for “the best people.” Like...literally, if you’re SecEd, there’s no one BUT the president you answer to. CEOs are fired for shit like this.
You just described all these dudes
But seriously, I'm even hyped on Josh Allen for being a gamer and that sick td throw this past weekend. I haven't felt this optimistic about the future of Buffalo sports since, I dunno, 1990? Does that count when you're 8?
We will always have Fitzmagic!
Lou Graham from Foreigner drove one of these through at least 2013, I can confirm
I gotta give you credit, this is an effective troll.
I swear to God, Torch, if the whizzkid I'm working on somehow has a few extra "fees" pop up, I'm coming for you.
Bills/Sabres fan here. Fuck you.