It does but this is about the PRINCIPLE
It does but this is about the PRINCIPLE
I’d have been tempted to sell half my fleet to buy this thing.
Yes, why are we not talking more about an AWD G-Body.
I found out about this thing via Hoonigan of all places. Remember, if you blog about the crap you watch on youtube, its research, not wasting company time.
Right? Don’t care about the wheel when it’s an AWD G Body.
I’ve been following this guy for quite some time. I’m surprised he doesn’t get more love on Jalopnik. It’s an all wheel drive Cutlass for Pete’s sake.
Honestly, the hyphen in Mach-E is what bothers me the most
Taking all that SUV size for granite. Drivers must have rocks for brains.
More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters
She also had sex with a subordinate ... we keep forgetting that one. She resigned for that reason. The revenge porn is a separate and distinct issue, but she should have resigned for fucking a subordinate ... it’s 2019, you don’t do that shit. The legality of what happened to her because her husband found out is truly…
Yes. I am not a Clinton fan, although I voted for her in the General Election, but this is how many older people (I’m 58) talk about trans-people.
Yeah, I have to admit that my knowledge of transphobia is far more lacking than it should be, and I’ll have to correct that going forward. But it was my understanding that there’s a basic conceptual distinction between gender identity and gender preference: the former is who you are, while the latter is who you desire…
on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.
I brought a couple of those to a BBQ years ago - everyone loved them.
Since this is obviously a made up story, in order to make it easier for everyone else to separate fact from fiction here, I’ve taken the liberty of going through the entire article and highlighting the things that are obviously make believe so readers coming after me can focus on the aspects of the article that may be…
It would taste like a rotten Carmen Miranda
feel free to send more of this story to raphael at jalopnik dot com, this is amazing