
You know? I'd normally agree but he's NEVER had such talent around him. The rest of that offense is loaded with talent. He's in a good spot to have an excellent season.

You guys will NEVER believe where this story is on FoxNews.com and what drove it there.

Literally just learned about the concept of the Overton window, which is the exact shify im trying to describe. Obamacare did was shifted the healthcare debate to making single payer a real option.

I always thought these had really cool design with horrible execution - even new, like this one, the front end always looked like one of the headlights or pieces of the front fascia were slightly askew.

+1 like herding cats

How many times have you called for a violent revolution, bud? 

Obamacare was a step in the right direction. The mere fact it has held up (for the most part) since his departure - and Democrats reduced power - makes a shift towards single-payer MORE likely, not less. It’s not perfect, but the policy steps are incremental in a democracy with disparate interests as they are. This

Christ, which is it: a “free market economy” or “big government”? One can never know with this crap. 

Goddammit that game was so fun. 

Man, Louis CK really ruined hyperbole for a lot of people. 

What a fucking dink. There’s no one on Earth who needs to Mackle less than Kirk Cousins.”

It’s fucked up when corruption leads to what amounts to the right take from those that disagree with Kap’s protest. Like seriously, “I disagree with his point but the right to express it” is LITERALLY THE CORRECT TAKE. 

Oddly, the “69 Trifecta” is the way Ted Lerner “repaid the loan” with his wife in 1953.

I truly do not mean this cynically: if you agree with his cause....WHEN would you say was a good time with such extraordinary impact?

Western New York: responsible for:

Anyone else having an issue where video ad audio in these new headline-placed videos is completely unmutable/no way to control volume? I whitelisted and now I’m discovering this annoying new issue. I’m on a desktop using Chrome. I want to continue to support, but this is a wrinkle that is more than just an

Collusion? Surely you can’t be serious.

Ok, so TODAY that technology requires a $100,000 3d printer. Then again, not even 5 years ago it was unimaginable to have a 3d printer, full-stop. I think you’re ignoring the advance of technology and the fact that, in 5 years time, it might be possible to make a 3d printed gun at home that is far more reliable to use

Ok, so TODAY that technology requires a $100,000 3d printer. Then again, not even 5 years ago it was unimaginable to have a 3d printer, full-stop. I think you’re ignoring the advance of technology and the fact that, in 5 years time, it might be possible to make a 3d printed gun at home that is far more reliable to use

Can it hold 4x8 plywood, and what the longest piece of lumber/pole it can safely drive with. I have a small pickup but I’m considering a cuv mainly for the covered cargo space, while remaining fuel efficient and good for urban driving.