
“Gimme a T!”

I question the premise; we don’t need another performance truck. We don’t need ANY performance truck. Some percentage of trucks are work trucks, and that’s why the class exists, but the majority of trucks that are sold in this country are mall crawlers and grocery getters. They are far worse than the crossovers that

Seems like letting others do the shooting is just plain selfless teamwork.

I feel like this is really disrespectful to Kenneth.

To be fair HIS dad was on tv.

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

*Mike drop*

Multiple brain injuries, you say?

“Checking in.”

They ain’t touching the fat man, and they god damn better not touch Bomani.

And yet Darren Rovell, the cockroach’s cockroach, will survive these cuts and outlive us all.


Thats strange because the poll results showed no indication that this was happening.

Eating popcorn while watching professional athlete grandson play is some life of kings shit.

Kyle Busch has one of the most hateable faces in sports history.

This guy definitely walks away from explosions without looking back.

A 5-second violation is for in-bounding the ball and the ball was in-bounded. Next time understand the rules before you try to put blame on the refs/commissioner.

Can’t wait to hear what Frederick Douglas thinks about all this.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?