is this sidney ponson?
is this sidney ponson?
Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.
Everybody in the UK is required to play soccer and is stuck in regimented divisions; failure to comply results in a mandated visit to Room 101*. Deadspin will cover any developments that happen in the 6th to 498th divisions.
He is not the only Vikings fan that wants to hang him self after this season.
So are internet comments questioning the physical status of professional athletes.
Cut it in half and squeeze it out urself like a man. You don’t have to buy it prepackaged. Whiney ass millennial.
Yeah that was great.
I only got the headline of that orange juice article because paygates, but I imagine it goes something like “orange juice industry is falling, millenials don’t drink enough, how can we make them drink more”, right?
VIOLENTLY ripped the ball from him? Get the fuck out of here.
Sheeeeit. +1
+15 yards.
Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.
“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”
I’m really surprised at this email chain. Most XC runners’ entire sexual histories could easily be documented in a single tweet.
But with this win Trump will have us invade some nation by land instead of by sea.
Wait til you get a load of 2017...
Is this the first 1000-star comment? It deserves it. This comment should be put in the Smithsonian.
Shut it the fuck down. We have the Cotd.