The good ones don’t last long...
The good ones don’t last long...
True, the cop may wind up dying in a training exercise or when their backup is inevitably, but unpreventably kept from backing them up when asked to do so. They’ll pay one way or another, to cops this is basically snitching.
we need more officers like sgt skinner, plain and simple. integrity is in short supply.
Or a career with the police for much longer.
I’m friends with a few OKC PD, I REALLY hope it was one of them who busted this guy. Make me feel better for bashing my cop friends 😂
Someone should follow the career of Sgt. Skiiiiiiinnneerrr! See what happens to him after busting a Capt. Instead of letting him go.
Yeah, that ain’t no four beers.
Well I wish that arresting officer all the luck in witness protection.
Three or four beers? Cans or pitchers? No way that guy got that drunk off of just three or four cans or bottles. Unless he was drinking Prairie Bombs, I guess.
Watch the police union step in and ole Cap’n retire with full benefits.
Kudos to that cop who followed procedure and basically busted his boss. I’m sure he’ll get skewered by other, shittier cops for it.
“I cannot sir. I know you’re aware of our body camera policy. You know I cannot turn off this body camera,” the officer says. “I have taken an oath to uphold the law.”
“I don’t care if you’re a gangbanger or the President of the United States.”
“I don’t show favoritism to anyone, regardless. I don’t care if you’re a gangbanger or the President of the United States.” Good for that cop. Probably will never have a career with the GOP with that attitude though.
Well, Cap certainly paid the ultimate price when he stepped out of his car and reached into his pocket less than a minute into the interaction. And I’m sure he’s now facing potential failure to comply and resisting the whatsiwhoseit charges. No? I’m shocked!
It’s almost rusty enough for a certain ex-Jalopnik writer to want to take to Moab.
No no no no, this sucker is electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to-to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity that I need
Thanks, NRA!