
Millionaires pretending they are Every Man in order to attack others is so hot right now.

His defense attorney will claim he’s addicted to porn. It was the porn’s fault for being so irresistible!

You sure you want to drive away a current Jalop reader by gatekeeping racing?

Can they make it so this only happens to Kyle Larson?

There’s too much money to be made from those readers for them not to have the latest tech

It’s still flailing even if you don’t hit anything.

If the elastic holding his cheeks up doesn’t break first, Leon will be plying Daddy-Vladdy w/ secret so he can put a SpaceX port at Baikonur.

No, they said it costs ‘the industry’ that amount. As someone else wrote, they mean unrealized profits. They don’t give a good goddamn if something costs their customer when it shouldn’t.

Heck, it could be something as mundane as a bank confirming previous residence for a mortgage application. I’m sure the insurance companies buy more information than they can confirm, b/c as we see here, the customer’s guilty until they prove themselves innocent. So Progressive, et al are happy & profitable by adding

*bloodthirsty pack of unicyclists

At least it’s not a slide show. Nice to see Bradley get approval to do an actual article.

They’re writing these articles as fast as they can while on the shitter, you must know that by now.

Or Kyle Petty.

She is trash & should be put through the same torture & isolation she happily put that animal through. Of course it’s in TX, where there are more tigers in backyard than there are in the wild across the world.
Every day living w/ her was torment to that monkey, no matter what she gave it or entertained it w/. They

One source of potable water. ONE. That’s what I say to cruisers when I reject their suggestion of going on a cruise. There’s not enough filter straws to get me on a ship for more than a day.

They’ll receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for all their freedoming.

These will be the last of these articles we see in mainstream media. Maybe folks w/ police scanners will hear about Tesla crashes & spread the word via online forums; but men who get a little power will sop at nothing to get more.

He doesn’t understand, & if he did understand all the big words the angry people are shouting at him he wouldn’t care. He has his money & he thinks it insulates him from everything, b/c he deserves it.
Come on embolism!!!

In lawful times, the POTUS’s pardon power is limited. In the upcoming fascist, lawless times, the SCOTUS will let the POTUS do whatever he wants (if they haven’t already declared all judgments against his followers invalid forever & retroactively).

Probably b/c you spouted off about something that’s not in the article & happens to blame the victim. At least, that’s why *I* think you’re a pro-establishment dick.