Ms. Lopez, this is a Wendy’s.
Ms. Lopez, this is a Wendy’s.
Hear me out. What if we invested into fully autonomous vehicles that were route bound, had pre-determined/quasi-static traffic patterns, and travelled within convoyed groups to improve fleet efficiencies....
This would truly be the stupidest thing a society could invest time/energy/money in.
You can lead a David to Toyota, but you can’t make him drink (the easily serviceable fluids).
Man that clip was hard to watch. I totally related to her description of being a naive young woman without much sexual experience, who just assumed he’d respect her boundaries since everyone else had so far. It’s such a shocking and jarring experience that makes you never feel fully safe being intimate with someone…
Watching her’s honestly so genuine and heartbreaking.
Fuck. This. Take.
Nah. This is relevant. Almost every older major city has freeways that were intentionally placed to displace or cut-off black and brown people from having healthy lives and communities. Mayor Pete is 100% correct and it’s important to discuss. But we get it, you just want to jerk off to hellcat burnouts. There’s…
Have you tried this cool new thing called “not reading articles that don’t interest you”? I do it all the time on here. For example, I don’t really care much for F1 racing content, so I don’t read those articles. If you don’t like reading political content, the solution is to...not read it.
It’s as simple as not patronizing this blog. That’s why I avoid TTAC instead of whining in THEIR comments section.
Blogs for enthusiasts of 2-ton polluting machines tend to lean right, just because of the subject matter. Much like the only right-leaning solar/wind home install forums are for doomsday survivalists, “straight reporting” on the very topic of cars tends to attract people who lean one particular way.
THIS article relates to infrastructure, which means VEHICLES.
YOU can go elsewhere if it bothers you this much. Don’t waste our time with this pouting.
Yah, racial injustice is such a drag...not my problem, right?
You clicked on an article about racist infrastructure and your complaining that it was about racist infrastructure.
Username is appropriate.
“Just like the rest of the media.” I’m sorry, but if you just want to live in a cocoon free of social awareness, you are simply wallowing in your own ignorance.
I think it really depends on your definition of “institutionally”.
You could choose not to read it.