
I’ve said it here before, a few times: About 5-8 years ago, I started pre-empting and stopping all white people thinking they can establish dominance by calling me by my first name. On the phone: Hi, Feminist? No, Miss OnFire. In person: I’m Dr. Physician. Hello, I’m Miss OnFire. Legal entities: Who do I have the

Funny how white people see things, ain’t it? Rather than come out and say,”Naw, those clearly wronged Black people shouldn’t get anything” (cuz that’d be really racist!), they think they’re being as clever as the first land-thieving peckerwood who thought up fucking ‘eminent domain’ by putting forth that OTHER

Here we go again. White people get caught doing something shitty and racist. People rightfully call out a motherfucker and withdraw from them. Rather than correct and apologize white person complains about “cancel culture.”

They are more than welcome to take that up with the Bruce family when they get their property back.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t watch it and they didn’t tell him about it.  What would they say?  Oh, Harry and Meghan feel hard done by, but they specifically said you’re not racist, so no worries?  No, they just didn’t mention it.

I cosign 100%.  I had a feeling when they said he left the hospital that the thing they weren’t saying was that he was going home on hospice because that would be much more pleasant than staying in the hospital to die.  The man was almost 100, and by all reports he was doing well for a man of his age until recently. 

Funny how politicians suddenly wanted to respect the law....

what stood out to me since i saw the video & statement a few days ago was nobody has YET to say what really was going on! just on and on about perception. well say what actually happened then! and one of those tables if memory serves me right everybody at the table had food except the black child at the table, in

He’s 99, The Queen is 94. There is never a good time with people that old. They are always barely holding on.

Harry and Megan needed to speak their peace and get their side of the story out (as opposed to “palace insiders say”) so they can start to get on with their new lives living in the US (can you imagine how fun

Prince Philip had a coronary artery blockage at age 90 (in 2011) and has been in the hospital for infections and other issues related to a pre-existing condition (coronary artery disease most likely) 8 times over 10 years - that was an actual headline back in February. And in Feb it was, yet again, his heart that was

The dude wasn't going to get better at any point. That month-long stay for an infection was a sign his body wasn't really at its peak anymore. The interview was taped before he went to hospital, and I didn't hear anyone saying it was cruel or ill-timed when he was running people off the road while his courtiers were

The poor dear was so young!

I fail to see how

I mean, it’s not completely implausible that interview was too much stress to bear. But it’s also not implausible that he encountered a moderate gust of wind, or a room was lit too brightly, or he accidentally inhaled a single particle of pollen, or he saw a hummingbird, or someone farted in his general vicinity, and

Are we sure that he wasn’t just disappointed that Matt Gaetz’s buddy pled guilty? Or that he laughed too hard at the news about the Kansas state senator who got drunk, drove on the wrong side of the highway going 90, then called the arresting officer ‘Donut Boy’?

Another 99-year old man with a variety of serious pulmonary and cardiac issues taken in the prime of his life.

Yes, the man who looked like Death eating a soda cracker was finally undone by his biracial granddaughter in-law and that doyenne of Evil truth telling, Oprah Winfrey.  Despite the fact that this man had one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel, at the age of 99, he was totally, completely and

Actually, my feeling is that Philip’s decline began during the Obama administration. He just couldn’t handle the shock of a black man being POTUS. When will Obama take responsibility for killing this beloved Prince?

I had the same reaction. Her proof is screenshots? All it takes is a little Photoshop to make those up. Notice she went to the Daily Fail, prob because no real news outlet would believe her story.

Just like the first list, this list consists of Black movies from your generation and lacks good Black movies that weren’t that mainstream, but resonate to this day. These are just a few: