
Like maybe if you don’t want to see something, you refuse to believe it’s there?

Dang, she must be nearly a foot shorter than most of those ladies. I knew she’s tiny, but wow.

Cher might be happy w/ a poly relationship, especially w/ a person much younger than her. Set guidelines at the outset & no one will be disappointed so long as everyone’s fully honest.

Slash Electric Alexander Edwards is such a stupid fucking name; good thing this kids’ parents are in the industry & they can be a nepo baby.

I don’t see matches or candles on that list; if you’re not sure your tailpipe is clear of snow, you shouldn’t run your car to stay warm & so long as the candle stays lit you’re unlikely to die from freezing.

I feel for the poor sod who had to camp out at the airport watching for these people when they could have been at home w/ their own families.

Tears of joy for this couple. When my SO got back from deployment, it almost wasn’t real that he was home & I could touch him. There are times when they’re gone that you have to remind yourself they ARE coming home, they haven’t died or left you. I wish the Griner family an easy reintegration & lots of patience w/

I know salespeople love a good lead, but you’re kinda ambulance chasing here, don’t you think?
Or is that the arrangement you made w/ Jalop?

How do these racist idiots not, for half a second, see themselves, hear the words coming out of their mouths & curl up in shame? I’m constantly re-listening to my end of a conversation, wondering if I’m coming across like I should; but these morons are just out here w their shark brain screaming at the top of their

It’s a real puzzle who could have raised a young man w/ a thin skin, a persecution complex & who rejects accountability for his own impulsive actions while thriving on the attention of others.
Send all 3 of them back to Canada, never to return.

You just know those same people will ask her to ‘be the bigger person’ when they need her talent or clout one day.

Perhaps we should have a Satanic Temple presentation 10 feet outside this judge’s church services to see how much they love the 1st Amendment.

Every patient should wear over-the-ear headphones for the entire walk to the facility. Let one of these fecal sacs reach for their headphones & it will be on like Donkey Kong w/ the escorts.

Right? They didn’t even get the title right; at most, she’s Kate, Princess of Wales or even Princess William, since she wasn’t born royal.

Sign me up for AARP I guess, b/c I got it. Right up there w/ the other SNL game show, ‘Jew, Not A Jew?’ which was hilarious in how obviously horrified everyone in the skit was w/ the premise.

How does a dealer help you legally?

He’s exactly like Trump w/o the overt & long standing systemic racism; Trump felt humiliated by the White House so he took pleasure in sullying it as best he could (like he used to do w/ his friends’ wives for sport) & now ElMu’s doing it to Twitter.

Wait - there’s a Phoebe Bridgers & a Phoebe Bridger? Would that make them Phoebes Bridger or Phoebe Bridgerses?

A real shanda.

If you don’t understand why storms of all kinds are named, maybe look it up before proclaiming your ignorance.