I learned this line while we were stationed in Georgia - I don’t mind them living w/ us but I don’t want them living above us. How dare Meghan be young & pretty & get more attention than him when he’s a superior person due to race & penis-hood?
I learned this line while we were stationed in Georgia - I don’t mind them living w/ us but I don’t want them living above us. How dare Meghan be young & pretty & get more attention than him when he’s a superior person due to race & penis-hood?
Jeremy Clarkson is the answer to, ‘What if Piers Morgan was flabby & knew a bit about cars?’
I’m not sure that, ‘If I had hit her it would have been much worse than it is now.’ is a great defense.
Our having questions doesn’t entitle us to answers about this man’s personal financial business. There are living, breathing humans on the other side of that curiosity & they deserve respect & privacy.
This is how he keeps all these women from moving on w/ a new partner & becoming monogamous or worse - entirely unavailable to him. Keeps them guessing, trying to please him, competing against the other moms b/c he likely keeps them divided from each other. I’ve never heard of him or them trying to have a united,…
You can exploit a child w/o using force so saying no one forced them - that’s immaterial when there’s such a huge power imbalance. Children should not work on a production floor & your personal case of survivor bias doesn’t change that.
It sounds as though she feels disrespected by someone within this process & doesn’t want to participate fully in it.
I’m so glad she’s home safe.
Most hotels I know of won’t rent a room to folks who live close by, b/c they’re afraid they just want to have a party but avoid messing up their own home. So it makes you wonder what he told them.
I’m sure that’s a big part of it, that they’re close w/ B & E, but I also suspect law enforcement isn’t done w/ RAndy; in the states they certainly aren’t. So there’s a chance they could do harm to either his defense or an investigation of him by saying anything publicly.
Who knows, Harry may even feel he & his uncle…
She doesn’t deserve any of this treatment, not one bit. She gets shot & they’re trying to smear her character as a defense, as if she asked for it by living her life. I hope like hell she’s getting help for her trauma, it’s scary to hear someone talk about not wanting to be alive anymore - especially a young person.…
You assume - A) Russkies read Insider or Jalop in all that free time they have off from committing war crimes; B)Russkies are falling for this new tactic; C) this isn’t fake news planted by Ukraine; D) this isn’t fake news planted by Russia; & E) that you are so fucking clever that you thought of something that people…
If we do, it’ll only encourage to continue. So let’s not.
I’ve seen several comments on other sites about her outfit & hairstyle being created to draw attention that she then rejects as racist. Sound familiar? Like suggesting an assaulted woman dressed up for a date wanted to be raped.
If someone’s outfit is extraordinary to you & you want to know more about it, roll those…
Cops kill other cops to escape rightful consequences, what makes you think they wouldn’t just kill you for the same reason? Even if they get caught you’re still dead.
Came her eto say this; police will arrest you if they want to arrest you. The sole thing that may stop them is assuming you have more power than they do in some way, b/c that’s what being a cop’s about - using the power you have against those w/ less power. That’s the part cops like the most.
Welcome to Gawker Media. They get paid for words, slides & ads - not quality.
Republicans need lots of poor, desperate people to keep & grow their wealth. It’s not like THEY can be expected to work hard for little reward, is it??
If you follow the embedded link up there to Earth911 it’ll show you which Batteries Plus around you takes what material. Either the one near me doesn’t take alkaline or they’re called something else that I don’t recognize. But they do take LIon, NiCad & NMH.
CSB - a place near me was taking in money hand over fist…
I’m sure one of the many reasons her dad’s bringing food is that they’re not allowed to purchase things on fort w/ a military or dependent ID. No rocking down to the Commissary for groceries bagged by a milspouse being paid in tips or getting a 12 of Labatts at the Class 6. The fort hotel is almost certainly the most…