
Your overwrought hyperbole makes me suspect a paid troll, but I guess I’ll give you a nibble; this was the only trade available & when the US can get any of its citizens to safety it does so.
Also, there’s more than a little proof Whelan was spying & hilariously enough it’s b/c he lies so much he couldn’t help but

This was the only trade available & when the US can get any of its citizens to safety it does so.

They left a man w/ a trach & who has to use a voicebox emplifier to speak in jail for a year. Makes me stabby.

Drunk driving’s on the rise & so is the instances of bad cops doing shitty things & getting little to no punishment. Which one erodes public trust faster?

Something tells me she said ‘propets’ & not ‘profits’, though there’s an awful lot of overlap btwn those 2 things.

Wanted to point out that Whelan isn’t a servicemember. He received a bad conduct discharge many years ago.

This prisoner swap is engineered for maximum damage to the US & its allies. Assume that everything Russia does that involves the US is designed to weaken the US. It understood who was the most sympathetic prisoner & who would be the most divisive & it turns out it’s pretty easy to get Americans to turn on each other.

According to Whelan’s family in interviews, they have to be really careful about how he’s talked about or else Russia can just shut down any consideration of release or swap. They have to watch every word & I assume the State Department understands & abides by this as well.
This is all part of Russia’s continued

Isn’t Letitia Wright notably super-Christian to the point she condoned an anti-LGBTQIA+ ‘prophet’ on Youtube?

Nope, they didn’t get fired.

War! What is it good for?

That’s often how it is in large families when the kids aren’t mostly the same age; the older kids become part-time parents to the younger kids, allowing Mom & Dad to keep cranking them out since they have help raising them. I’m in Utah & boy, have I seen & heard some things - especially from women who were the older

When someone cheats on you, you’re invariably better off. B/c absent a head injury later, that person will not change their attitude toward you, which is that you matter very little.

Must be great to be rich enough to escape all consequences. Funny that the money’s not enough, he requires the adoration & validation he thought would flood the Twitterverse over him. A sad little man.

This shows such entitlement on the staffer’s part, that they pushed like they deserved to know. They feel like they’re in a superior position to Ms Fulani, that she’s not allowed to ignore their questions. POS needs to have all their honorary positions re-evaluated, b/c they have no honor.

There will always be men who’d rape if they thought they’d get away w/ it & there’ll always be bad cops. It’s a shitty ass world for women to live in & I’d love to see widespread acknowledgement of that in the law enforcement community (w/o them enjoying it).

Man, I’d snag those gallon jars off her in a second. There are very few things that can be safely canned in such a large container, according to their manufacturers, so I use mine for dry storage & short term refrigerated leftovers. So much better than drawers & shelves full of plastic.

Or let us pro-choice folks replace them w/ equally dubious billboards that say, ‘By 12 weeks a fetus would kill you w/ its bare hands if it could!’

After they carefully spun off their financing arm, GMAC, in order to look broke & get their taxpayer bailout. GMAC, of course, became Ally Bank.

Imagine being proud of the repeated senseless, avoidable waste of medical resources.