
Flag football is where we start to fix the idiocy that dwells in this man. He’s been getting hit in the head & compensating for getting hit in the head for most of his life. ‘Don’t tell or you won’t get to play & we need you to play!’
Let’s start w/ not allowing young people the opportunity for regularly being hit in

Can always count on the anti-union shills to pop up as soon as they smell a chance to go after workers organizing. Must be a lucrative job, fighting to keep lower & middle class folks in their place on behalf of a corporation.

I don’t think folks w/ septum piercings realize all non-pierced think about when we look at their face is how it seems there’s a big booger hanging out. Even when it’s not rational , our brain says, ‘Hey, a booger.’

If that idiot Dr believes it can be reversed, why is she trying to fight its approval? If someone wants to reverse their abortion there’s nothing to stop them. Why not simply let women choose whether they want to reverse their abortion?

Yep, Heidi’s tits are easily located on the internet; maybe that’s what makes these pics more appealing, that she didn’t overtly consent to her nipple being shown.

Screw you, I’ve got mine, says local man.

I’m so worried about the baggage retrieval system they’ve got at Heathrow.

Yeah, we say fuck all the time here. I don’t know if any of the Gawker sites that allow Kinja comments censor any naughty words. That doesn’t stop folks from reporting or flagging a comment, but there’s nothing in place to catch it AFAIK.

Russia manufactures evidence all the time, it’s possible she did not bring any amount of drugs w/ her & was simply a useful person to arrest at a time when Russia needed to have a greater appearance of power (having just stupidly escalated war w/ Ukraine). Russia keeps tabs on people in or traveling through their


‘I tolerate everyone, even those who are inferior to me b/c they don’t share my Magic Sky Daddy or qualify for his affection by my standard!’

So they don’t believe it’s actually wrong, they just enjoy the grifting they get to do b/c of their apparent stance. It’s the thrill of power. Pieces of shit.

That seems equally unlikely.

Same here in Utah.

Especially if the vehicle was going slow enough for their window to be banged on by a victim.

“We thought it was all about the economy, inflation, and crime,” Pirro said, b/c that was the R message to their voters on what to care about. Not finding out what they actually cared about, just demanding they focus on the things Rs could use to turn a profit.They really think that they, a minority who keep getting

LOL Drive sensibly, the guarantee that nothing bad can happen to your vehicle!
Except wait - aren’t there other drivers in other vehicles on the road that can affect you, even when you drive sensibly? Do people get hit by other cars every single day when they were doing absolutely nothing wrong in their own vehicle?

Listing ain’t selling, I’m sure you did the right thing. Compared to today’s cars, or even cars from a decade ago, this is a deadly vehicle. Occupants now would feel a false sense of security, not realizing they have no airbags to protect them.

That’s crazy talk.

My in-laws of 2 years were already making me feel unwelcome, so at my sister-in-law’s wedding I stood just a few inches to the outside of each grouping. Easier to crop out, ultimately worked in their favor. That wasn’t a fun day; I’d already been bitched at b/c the photographer took a picture of me, alone, leaning