
Cute jumpsuit!! I hope she likes it, it looks really comfy (except the ‘get naked to pee’ aspect of it).

Agreed. They learned a couple of really hard, ugly lessons about how they can’t have a normal relationship b/c of her ex’s untreated & escalating mental illness. Pete didn’t want to have so Ye Stan sneak up on him (Ye would almost certainly hire that part out) & Kim found that the upside of publicity was the downside

I suppose it should be a little heartening that the angriest, but most nonsensical, responses to this article are from men whose knee-jerk reaction is that since they can’t see themselves committing this type of crime for this particularly toxic reason no other man but this exact perpetrator should be considered

Frankie got to see the Worm’s worm up close, super. I kind of feel bad for him, honestly, b/c if you aren’t interested in seeing genitals & suddenly you can’t help but see genitals, it’s upsetting at best & nightmare fuel at worst.

There’s dangers for the donor as well if folks go through alternate routes. Many states will still go after a sperm donor for repayment of benefits & order child support if their donation was not made through a medical professional. The law’s long held that a parent cannot sign away their child’s right to support.

Cool, good for him wanting to live an authentic life. No one will be able to hold being secretly gay over his head. Now to see if his relatives still want to know him, b/c there’s no hate like Christian love.


He looks like if Andy Samberg half-assed a Machine Gun Kelly impression.



Ah, but would they have Billy Ray Cyrus’s money then?


Now I see why some mayonnaise is called dressing. That’s basically a recipe for mayonnaise.
Mine’s low fodmap - equal splashes of olive oil plus red & white wine vinegar, w/ dill, kosher salt & chopped pecans.

Yeah, it was unprofessional of him & I knew immediately what he was about when he opened his arms wide. I knew they’d hold him to a higher standard, not only b/c he’s a black man w/ a spotlight on him in a predominately white sport, but b/c he did it as the race was running. The yahoos who get away w/ just paying a

Embryos can also be donated to certain IVF clinics for other people to have transferred in hopes of successful gestation. In proper storage they can be viable for up to a couple of decades at least. They’re called snowflake babies in certain circles that I’m no longer a part of.
But! Those embryos should only ever be

Wrong article, friend.

Yeah, he seems to feel that fetal cells of all ages are the government’s property & responsibility until they’re born.

Dry toilet/bucket & a plastic bag for poo (to throw away immediately or tie tight enough to seal off the smell), pine or corn-based kitty litter to throw on a pee. Clay litter won’t absorb & creates much more dust.

Yes, it’s called Twitter.

They made something up that’s not in the article or shown by any facts in the case. They’re here trolling on anti-choice articles, hence their username. I assume it’s a paid troll, they use complete sentences. Just don’t reply & they’ll die off in the grays.