The sense of entitlement for these men is stunning; they feel entitled to sex, & w/ a woman other men want to fuck & entitled to take the life of those they feel would refuse them. Who teaches these boys that entitlement??
The sense of entitlement for these men is stunning; they feel entitled to sex, & w/ a woman other men want to fuck & entitled to take the life of those they feel would refuse them. Who teaches these boys that entitlement??
Came to the comments for the Slant Six, glad to see it represented! My 79 Duster (Volare, really, but for the trim package) had one & when a kid in a Citation spun into me at full speed in an ice storm, hitting me so hard the tape that was playing was ejected into the back seat, the engine seemed to bounce them off…
He may have been a great friend to Gilda in her last days, but her husband Gene was at her side, not Bill. She wasn’t short of support by any means.
I don’t buy her explanation & don’t like how it put the onus on De Niro when it came to fictional intimacy. There have been intimacy coordinators before 2016 & nothing good can come from expecting a couple of strangers playing fictional characters to work it out on their own. He may be the sort of actor who immerses…
The exchange btwn Marquise & his dad, that’s just so sad. I hope they repair it one day, but right now their relationship is so broken it’s ugly.
She must not like how the ruble exchange rate has dropped, wants to make USD more than hide her craven racism.
In Britain, where there’s universal healthcare, this would be far less likely to even escalate to a confrontation like that. So stuff that in your strawman.
Interesting & busy & off his meds a for a couple of years now. He’s right about one thing, the only reason his erratic behavior is tolerated is b/c of the money he brings in. He doesn’t have boundaries - whose filter doesn’t stop them from showing porn in a business meeting, seriously?? - so I fully expect he’ll…
Meme’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I’ll entertain it to let you know a couple of things, my new Mormon acquaintance; A) there’s absolutely no way to know why every person of color has moved to whatever country you imagine to be ‘this country’; 2) I make plenty of sense, b/c as you well know, a core tenet of the…
We once had our Xmas card picture taken in front of a Sikorsky helicopter from the Robins Air Museum. Beautiful in the right light.
For anyone who wants to pop in & protest that it’s not LDS doctrine, Google ‘the mark of Cain’ & get back to me. I don’t care if you never heard a word about it in Seminary or from the pulpit, you’ve been taught it in one way or another. Just like the doctrine of the Second Anointing’s always been there but they don’t…
Oh yes, there you go. Paint in Delicate Arch & it’s perfect.
If these boys are going to act like fools they should stick to the Baby Elephant Walk - hopping in a circle, naked & crouched w/ their thumb in the butt of the future captain of industry in front of them.
Thank heavens for no-fault divorce laws. It gives everyone a chance to move on from the breakup instead of stewing in past transgressions in order to divide assets or custody or even prove a divorce is necessary. It’s no longer necessary to sit in front of a judge w/ a package of documents & photos proving infidelity…
ESSO = Standard Oil. I never thought to put that together before today.
Living in Utah, I wonder if the Green Book’s entry for it was, ‘Just go around.’, being that its majority religion has a tenet of white male supremacy.
Early 20's, I was standing in the church vestibule & asked my former babysitter. I won’t forget it & have never repeated it.
Punishment? They’ll just get less important commendations at the end of any investigation that might happen. Then the taxpayers of this county will buy this family a new car & give them thousands of settlement dollars while the police union giggles to themselves about qualified immunity while looking forward to the…
I would die from the embarrassment, & I could see a younger version of me being thoughtless enough to put something like that in a review. I’m smarter & more mature now, I care less than I sued to if people think I’m glib or clever.
Whoopi is a gotdamn treasure, btw, & I’m sure this film was like no other film she’s…
July 15, 1987: This agent has confirmed the S.P. has made firm plans to dance with somebody & further conspires to feel the heat from somebody.
Yep, I’m already seeing it paraphrased in online news comments.