
What a great deal in exchange for potentially sickening people across the country, what a smartie YOU are!

Coolio did very well for himself recording new lyrics to a Stevie Wonder song; which is great that he ever complained about Weird Al’s recording of new lyrics to a Stevie Wonder song.

I’ll never understand how anyone w/ half an idea of what goes on in a public & historic ceremony gets that opinion from the footage I saw.
Imagine you were at your wedding, tens of thousands of people watching from around the world, & you have to sign an enormous ceremonial document that takes up almost the entire

Yes, but they never give that a second thought when there are views & clicks to farm, instead of getting a real job. Meanwhile, society degrades a little every day as nihilism sets in.

This is a topic I would like to see both men discuss in an open forum, conversation style w/ Paula Giddings for a historical outlook not influenced by their own film work.

And unbecoming! They’re expected to comport themselves much better than that & we are all so disappointed.
Oh well.
So, who needs a letter of recommendation to join the force in the next town over? Good, experienced cops are hard to find!

I got a speeding ticket from a cop who parked on train tracks rather than pull over in front of me.

When you can do anything you want to anyone you like so long as they’re less powerful than you & never suffer any kind of consequence, of course you’re going to save your own skin w/o a 2nd thought for anyone you imperil. That’s why ACAB. They never pay for their own crimes, taxpayers do. We pay them to hurt us

Send a team out to all the pick & pulls in MI, OH & Ontario to grab every blue oval they can find. Matte dip ‘em, slap ‘em on & call them environmentally friendly.

Instead of aiming for sympathy & trying to characterize your experience as bad, you should have just sd, ‘Here’s my experience trying to rent my preferred conveyance in a vacation spot w/ the peculiarity of being an island.’ b/c you sound like a whiner when you shot down opportunities to rent a vehicle & it just

Are they sneaking off in shame?

They have this mindset that if anyone but them touches their anus, they’ll be thought of as gay, which they were raised to believe (& perpetuated) is worse than death.

Leo: What do you mean you can rent your own car??

I’m starting to see why Nick & Mariah didn’t work out.

PnB Rock fell victiim tot he same thing the Kardashians did; ‘Hey, I’m going to be in one place for several minutes while I wear this large amount of gold!’ They showed up, shot him & robbed him as he died.

‘Accuser one is...Getty Images!!’

Unfortunately, responding to trolls pulls them out of the gray so they have a wider exposure. Just flag & move on.

Evil has a face & it is the GOP. All Rs are bastards.

There’s little expected to be accurate in this film, it’s a joke biopic.

‘I always wonder; how can I sound smarter than everyone else who remarks on this story?’