You can have 1 source of potable water all to yourself, friend. I don’t like to give my immune system that much of a workout, if I can avoid it.
You don’t think the Uiygers will want their homes back when they’re released? Or will they only fit in graveyards then?
Could it? Sure! No chance anyone will even lift a finger to make a plan to do so, b/c it’d be prohibitively expensive & any government subsidy suggested for it would be howled down within seconds.
OMG, what happens when they turn the wind off at night? Chex Mix libs.
Oh, I was just being a sarcastic ass.
I’m sure the surrogate who carried their last child enjoys Kanye referring to himself as a cum donor; how he got past the psych evals I’ll never know.
If I shot someone 2 years ago & then obstructed justice by interfering w/ a witness, I would still be in jail.
Wow, I knew he was confused but had no idea the full extent...
I call bullshit on the person dying story. Nowhere in the US would a person die outside of a hospital or their home & the cops not come, bringing the coroner or funeral home staffer w/ them & the body would have been taken away. No way they were allowed to carry a person who’d gone from being a passenger to being…
Leo won’t date women over 25 for the same reason I won’t date men w/ kids; I don’t have to. Plenty of fish in my sea, I can snag those I want the most b/c they suit me best.
Till a CRV plows into you offset & the first crunch point to give is your hips. Project cars should be shown like art pieces & not driven, b/c they’re not designed to save your life anymore.
He’s almost certainly holding casting calls of 23 year-old women for Mrs. Aldean #3, mother of his next 2 kids.
I lived in Macon when he was coming up & married though he was, it was well-known he’d bang anything that held still long enough. ‘Nobody’s perfect!’, the rednecks would proclaim when hearing about it.
For the same reason Black people availing themselves of their 2nd amendment rights as freely as white people in 1967 made ol’ Uncle Ronnie Reagan pass gun control laws in California. Not some pinko hippie who didn’t want open carry, but Saint Ronald of the Divinely Conservative, Mr Star Wars himself.
Unless reproduction’s on the table, or someone’s lying about status or expectations, at this point in their lives ages don’t matter to the success of the relationship. My guy of 7 years is nearly 16 years my junior, we started dating when he was 29 & I was 45. Works great b/c we don’t want kids & talk openly about…
If you modify them, evs will do anything you want them to, friend. Fly your freak flag high.
Oh honey, no.
By his attorney’s logic, if a real child *was* involved, they’d be his client’s victim. Doesn’t sound smart E Tay.
What build you using?