The math checks out.
The math checks out.
Rank the Metallica albums, please
Which soccer fans say the FA Cup doesn’t matter? It might be less prestigious than winning the EPL (it’s still the same order of magnitude - managers are often judged by how many trophies they win, and if you’re just counting trophies an FA Cup trophy counts just as much as an EPL trophy), but there’s no reason a…
The FA Cup is an opportunity to watch the best team get taken down.
The EPL does offer playoff (i.e. tournament) structure, via the FA Cup, as I noted. The team that wins the FA Cup celebrates on the field.
Playoffs are exciting because they’re an elimination tournament. The EPL has an elimination tournament: It’s called the FA Cup, it features like 700 teams from every level of soccer in the UK, and winning this tournament is a separate achievement from winning the league.
Those are baseballs, idiot. And he still gets to eat them all by himself.
Plus one, Bronze Hammer! This post is funny and good.
Rodman was way, way, way, way better than Smith could ever hope to be. His individual impact was very easy to predict: He would grab a ton of rebounds, and he would shut down the other team’s best player.
This is true, and maybe he should’ve tried to do more on offense in his Pistons and Spurs days, but I might argue that his hyperfocus on defense and rebounding with Chicago was the right thing to do, strategically - maybe Rodman shouldn’t really be shooting when he’s sharing the floor with Jordan, Pippen, Kerr, etc.…
Like Smith, he was a mercurial wizard at one end of the court—defense, in his case—and only occasionally exerted himself at the other.
I was wondering why K/9 is also seeing a significant rise this year; a faster fastball might help explain it.
Eliminate the kick altogether and make teams run a real play from the five-yard line for one extra point. Why does there have to be an "easy" option?
How could you let that guy in the building?
You don't say! What's your favorite kind of math?
It seems like you're saying a Budweiser's ABV is a strike againt it; Guinness is a great beer with less alcohol than Bud. There are plenty of things to complain about w/r/t Bud, but ABV seems like an odd choice.
The core of the Budweiser ad is thus the unspoken implication that yer not a real man's man with a pickup and a dashboard Jesus and a gun rack if you drink anything other than what essentially amounts to carbonated sheep's urine with an almost-negligible alcohol content.
"And to my guardian angel, Dawn Howard, I continue to feel you and hear your voice in every thing I do...all the way do to the subtle "Hey, be careful...that idiot who just scored is gonna pretend to drop his pants and poop out a may want to hasten that cut," Howard said.