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Isn’t the ratio greatly quickened when stopped like this? So, at higher speed, the driver would likely have to turn the steering wheel even further, which would reduce the lag.

Of all the things to complain about, this is pretty much a non-issue. Steering effort is always highest at a stop since the tires are 100% scrubbing. It’s not a good way to see the response from any system. Even a slight roll would probably make it much less noticeable

Nope, if I don’t have to be in court I’m going. Especially some conveyor belt court room like traffic court. In most cases, the best thing you can do in court is shut up and let your lawyer talk, anyways. Everyone there is being paid to be there, no one in that court room is donating their time. 

All the government workers didn’t take time out of their day to show up, it IS their job to show up every day.

FOM are being dicks. Good thing they’re owned by an American company now so they can have fun talking with Congress.

I’m scratching my head about the latter. Tesla very much does not cover up battery degradation. In fact it’s the exact opposite. It shows it front and center in a number that is easy to understand. The EPA rated range displayed by the car (which you can toggle to show battery percentage instead) is simply the usable

I think it looks very modern and distinctly different than the first gen, which had only been out for 7 years and really only mainstream for about 5 years. Being one of the best selling cars in the US and the world even before the refresh, I think people are liking it just fine.

...which is odd considering it came out in 2018, which is six years ago.

Sure. I didn’t say they were. But you can sort of carry a “can” of spare electricity with one. 

Model 3 and Model Y are pretty old at this point, even if the Model 3 did recently receive a refresh

I saw a hauler on the freeway full of Equinox EVs and went to check a local dealer’s website to see what they are selling for and noticed this: “DEALER ADDED MARKUP DUE TO LIMITED SUPPLY AND INCREASED DEMAND.”

Meh. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The more these people are thinned out the better.

I’m surprised they were even able to recover him alive, even if he later succumbed to his injuries. It’s a big, dangerous ocean out there.

The link in the article has the graphs. Model Y starts out with 70% EPA range brand new and falls to 64% after 3 years and then it’s stable for year 4, remaining at 64%. Model 3 is the same but it starts out at 72% EPA range and stabilizes around 64%.

What a weird metric. They were never at 100% of EPA range because Tesla apparently is able to score real well with the EPA test, but does horribly in real life. So saying they only achieve 64% of that is... well, kind of meaningless as far of “degradation” claims go. Give us what they actually started out with. Did

While you do get maximum torque (but not power) at 0 rpm, electric motors do not have the same efficiency across all rpms. So you could conceivably want a transmission to help with efficiency. But the drop in efficiency is so small with these motors, that it’s debatable whether a transmission is useful. Porsche Taycan

Does it seem like the police blew this way up for no real reason like they almost always do? Yes.

I don’t see any dragging, though the angles are bad enough that maybe it happened while not in view of the camera?

I’m shocked that they are proceeding with the charges. Between these videos and the officer not turning on his body camera, I don’t see a non embarrassing outcome for the city.

Welcome to GM.  “The IF ONLY” company.