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To be entirely fair, this is just one aspect of space travel. I’m certainly not a NASA administrator or anything like that, but I’d suspect that you’d need to take a lot more into account than this single study to determine that.

I don’t understand the logic between offroading and the corner lights. Like, what if I am offroading, why would I suddenly want the corner lights!?!? Why can’t I just want them because I think they look cool.

I’m not saying OEM’s make zero changes between model years; I’m saying Tesla’s changes are larger.

I don’t know what Tesla does on a yearly or constant basis

Dude, price alone proves how wrong you are. Sure, it’s lighter and sportier feeling than the bigger Harleys, but that’s almost always been the case when anyone takes on Harley. They make something lighter and sportier, and most Harley buyers don’t give a fuck.

Most OEM’s update vehicles yearly too

Two people are saying two different things.  You are saying door close to door open, someone else is saying (basically) wheels up to wheels down.  While both aren’t great, the second scenario is drastically worse.

I wouldn’t call the styling “dated”. I don’t think it’s great styling, but it wasn’t/isn’t dated. It’s just not the greatest and somewhat bland.

It’s aging, but it’s far from ancient. It’s roughly 4.5 years old. Plus, add in that Tesla does small tweaks and updates more frequently than traditional brands, it’s not entirely the same as traditional vehicle updates/generations/refreshes, though, it’s not super far off.

The R1200C was trying to compete against the larger/more expensive Harleys.  It was way too premium (and thus expensive) to compete against Sportsters, even the largest Sportsters.

Their vehicles still have a small advantage, but it’s shrinking fast.

To be fair, they are just complying with EU regulations.

As if it’s my fault Dodge produced such a masterpiece

Not that I support Brexit, because I don’t, but things like this just have me wondering what if the government just didn’t. Like, what the fuck would happen if the British paratroopers participated and France was like, “Yeah, we just aren’t going to deal with customs for you guys. Come on in, do your jump, take all

Overstate much?

You are right about the dirty air, but every subsequent year since 2022 has more and more dirty air coming off the cars.  So the goal was nobel, but fading.

Surprised we didn’t get that one guy recommending this not-often heard of Charger from the oh-so-rare brand that no one knows: Dodge.

Did you say it wasn’t a cost competitive EV, and then just use the ID4 as the comparison?  LOL dude.  LOL.