Not that I agree with their calculations, but the idea of creating equivalencies between two differing units of measure isn’t that crazy, and heck, it’s actually a good way to simplify things often. Your general take on that is dumb as hell, as demonstrated in your sub-headline.
All races are basically like this. Why the hell do you think we still race at Monaco despite it basically being like freighters trying to navigate a narrow canal.
Good. Strike while the iron is hot.
Don’t forget that your tent has to be brought down when you want to use your vehicle.
Cars in general. I heard his fathers Ferrari went shooting out the backside of his garage when he was in high school!
If you’re going to try and nit-pick you need to pay attention.
Material, diameter, weight, shape... lots of stuff matters. It’s actually a lot of physics involved.
There’s some real nice pellet guns out there that’ll shoot a .25 pellet (roughly 43 grains) over 1,000 fps. Getting you almost to 100 ft-lbs.
Why even check out then? Most hotels don’t even require checkout. Just leave your day early and don’t say shit. Pay your unused night and be financially ahead of the sucker that went down and waited in line to check out a day early.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, the mass means decidedly less. Velocity is squared, mass is not.
Plus, they are acting like speed is everything. 9mm has roughly the same velocity as .22 short (1155 fps vs 1165 fps) but the 9mm has roughly three times the muzzle energy (342 ft-lb vs 87 ft-lb) because the 9mm is so much heavier. They are implying they are equally difficult to stop (and thus make a vehicle bullet…
Subsonic doesn’t mean shit either. It’s all about inertial energy...
Tell me you don’t understand muzzle energy without telling me you don’t understand muzzle energy.
Plus, it entirely misses that the point of owning a car from the ‘60s (muscle car or whatever) isn’t because you think they are still fast, it’s because they have a certain cool factor or something else you like.
Are any of the companies 100% unionized? Where the unions are are company, location (and thus model) dependant. It’s actually pretty complicated. Hell, if you wanted to buy a sub $30k sedan, what would you buy that is union made?
I agree, the Cybertruck is ugly as fuck.
For fear of sounding like a Tesla fan boy, where is the struggling? A couple tire squeals? That’s it?
The frame and mechanicals are a fine start point, but are they going to follow through with the rest? Previous experience suggests “no”. That’s my entire point about bringing up the doors.