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They couldn’t even be bothered to make Gladiator specific rear doors for the Gladiator; are they really going to give it the attention it needs to be a Ram/Dodge and not just a slightly different looking Gladiator?  If Gladiators aren’t selling very well, what are they going to do to make the Ram version sell any

PHEV variant please, and also not Gladiator shaped/dimensioned.

I owned a Mk7 GSW TDI; it was fantastic if not a tiny bit bland. I’ll take nice and bland looking though.

Now, here’s the thing. If the city still owned it, I would be fine with higher rates. Why people think it’s in the publics best interest to have free/low-cost parking taking up so much public space is beyond me. It’s a horrible use-case for such valuable property.  Price parking to take into account the the valuable

Plus, JetBlue’s ontime arrivals rate is atrocious. I understand that a big part of it is due to having their main hub in NYC opposed to somewhere that has nice weather 95% of the time, but JetBlue sucks is all I’m trying to say.

This looks very narrow though; it’s oddly proportioned.  While I don’t think the Lucid is the prettiest vehicle, it at least looks low and wide, which is a hell of a lot better than this.

It’s like VW can’t build something that is both pretty, and reliable. Though, the Mk7 GTI was about as close as they could get.

Seeing that NACS ports are just down the road, is actually something that would consider me to hold off for a year or two if a specific EV I was interested in would be switching to it.

Calling the fat person fat is accurate, but it’s rude. Calling the short man short is accurate, but rude... calling someone something they don’t want to be called, is rude. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.  Stop trying to imply I’m a bigot.

Tray beds are also very high. The load floor is effectively flat with the top of what would be the wheel wells on a “normal” bed. A more traditional bed floor is significantly lower.

It’s a data point that implies that 20% of Americans aren’t hammering down dealership doors demanding an EV.

It’s the trend.

I live in the snowbelt--my city commonly ranks in the top 10 (typically top 5, but not always) snowiest cities in the US.  For the masses that just want to get to work; yeah, FWD is probably the better choice, especially come winter.  But those that are willing to deal with the RWD pitfalls in winter (and get some

FWD is disappointing.  I know the masses won’t give a damn, but the idea that EV’s would bring about affordable RWD options again is a romantic thought.

I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy or anything. I’m simply suggesting it’s rude to call people things that they don’t want to be called—of course excepting times of “well, they deserve it for being a dick”. Just like I wouldn’t tell a transgender person that “Well, scientifically they are _____, which just means they

Easy to say from the comfort of your own computer.  Hard to to when you just want to get to where you are going within a reasonable amount of time and probably have numerous people pressuring you and other people staring at you.

Whoa, what’s with the first gen Durango hate? They can be great; the problem here is the butchering, not the starting point of the vehicle.

Everything... every single thing they did to it has made it worse. The wheels, the tires, the grille, the roof rack, the headlights, the bull bar... everything! It’s rare that I can’t find a single modification that I like on a vehicle.

You’d think from all the Qatar and Saudi blood money, the pinnacle of racing would have the funds to measure some holes on just 20 cars, but apparently not.