
I completely agree and thank you for saying that, i was broken up with in the beginning of 2008 (2 days shy of valentines day) . I was a mess up until 2012. I have had people tell stories about me, and how the break up made me crazy. The circumstances broke me. he left me for a friend of mine, and i was humiliated and

I will never understand the absolute disdain for black people so many assholes have. WHAT. IS. YOUR. FUCKING. PROBLEM.

So much this. I had it bad on both sides. My mom was constantly on one diet or another, and she has been, at her largest, MAYBE 150lbs. Weight watchers. Jenny Craig. Fasts. Cleanses. Atkins. South Beach. Always talking about her weight. Always. Food was reward but also the cause of misery. Never batted an eye when I

Some people are fucked up enough that they think this sort of shame is helpful to their kids. Growing up, my next-door neighbour started fat-shaming her daughter at around four or five years old. She didn't hate the daughter, she just struggled with her own weight and her own self-esteem issues and I think blamed her

Because they hate themselves. I knew someone like that once, and that was the truth for her.

50 pounds?


To be fair, that twat (typo stays because I like it) was part of a running commentary on Ferguson where Jesse Williams appears to be at the moment. And he's angry too.

For true pretentiousness see Will Smith's two children - whatevertheirnamesI'mtired.

And the award for Most Pretentious Tweet in the History of Social Media goes to Jesse Williams. (If you have seen any tweets that are more pretentious than Jesse's, please post them for consideration!)

Makes the meatball sandwich sign look rookie by comparison.

I don't mean to blame you for not understanding that OKC isn't Tindr, but. . . OKC isn't Tindr.

Someone did it behind me in church one day. CHURCH.

"I can understand feeling rebuffed," Josh said. "It's like impossible for most dudes to get any response in these environments. But these guys have no idea what to do with those feelings, it's scary. And it's always about their feelings. Always about their feelings. Always about their feelings."

new way to find out if hes an asshole. Dont respond for a day.

OMG. When I was on OKC, I got many a passive-aggressive rant. A) for not being timely in my response, B) for ignoring messages. The men who seemed interested in me had some issues, for sure. I don't have copies of the texts anymore because I purge and delete as to not hang onto negativity, but MAN. One guy was super

Dude here. Many years ago, I was sent a text in reply to a voicemail I'd left for a girl I was seeing. It read something like, "Hi [my name], thanks for your call. I've had fun with you, but I really don't see a future."

This guy didn't even give me THIRTEEN MINUTES to respond to his message:

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!

this is a bunch of things but erin's dress is "backwards" and it says erin over her vagina and i can't handle it.

I also like that she somehow thinks that Styrofoam is better for the environment than recycled paper.