
Mine's from QVC (my mom got it for me one Christmas). It's Dennis Basso, who I didn't realize was a designer at the time. Everyone loves it except me, because I feel like Santa in it.

As an introduction, I live in Minnesota. I have an Icelandic sweater that I wear until about 20 degrees (and not above like 40 because it is too hot). Then it's an extremely warm parka that is not possible to wear in anything warmer than 20 because it's so flippin' warm. Nothing gets in it.

When I was little, I liked her a lot, so I named my favorite Barbie Christie Brinkley. I also used the name Christie when I was playing house or whatever. My mom asked me, "how do you know about Christie Brinkley?" I didn't really know. I guess TV.


Sometimes it *falls from the skies*...did you know about this?!

"despite both eyes being photographed" - LOL!

Jesus! Were you able to tell him later on that it upset you?

That kind of reminds me of a wedding I went to once where the couple already had a kid, and the mother or sister or someone made a speech that included, "I'm so glad she found him and got married and had kids...though not necessarily in the correct order..."

My mom used to watch soap operas, so I hear the term "have an affair" and I thought that that was the word for sex, or really, kissing a lot and sleeping in the same bed. So when I was playing Barbies, I would say in hushed tones so my parents wouldn't hear, "Let's have an affair." Then they would kiss a lot and sleep

I learned to read at age 4, and my mom claims I learned by reading encyclopedias. I remember it just as the index words on the outside of encyclopedias, but she says it was the articles. We had one set that was sort of general and one that was more difficult. I want to say it's more scientific, but I don't know if

Rosamund Pike's just hits me. It is so perfect on her.

She does look really healthy and comfortable. And natural.

Me. Every time I see it it punches me in the face again. I hate God if he exists.

I want to watch some now. It's almost like entertainment more than a tutorial. She's the best.

I have a friend with very rosy cheeks and people always ask her if she has rosacea. They also say stuff like "You got some sun today!" She hates it. It's pretty though.

I love this show. Last week when they were pouring Pert into a Pert Plus bottle to display wealth, I died.

One time I read that if you're blond, you should always wear mascara, and if you're brunette, you should always wear blush. Now that I think about that, that's weird. I'm not intending it to be advice at all. But I am blond and mascara is a must for me, when I wear makeup.

Someone wrote on Jezebel one time that it might be because they cut a bunch of fabric at once, instead of one at a time, so like, there are slightly varying sizes within that batch because of where they meet the blade. I don't know if that's clear enough to make sense of at all.

I also like tall for the shirts and try to get that whenever possible. My chest is too big so the front ends up showing part of my stomach sometimes which is NOT COOL.

Yes! The regular is like 6 inches too long and I'm 5'7"! I actually got short length this past time. I haven't worn them yet, though.