
I bet a lot of them don't. I just recently found out I have an eating disorder and had NO idea whatsoever. I just thought I had bad food habits or something. But after finally diverging a few details to my therapist (I'm very sensitive about it) she said it's an eating disorder if you beat the shit out of yourself

I am so glad that someone else has diabetes around here. I basically know zero people who are diabetic and I hate it. It's made it hard to cope with it.

I just recently found out I have binge eating disorder. I'm also diabetic and have depression, anxiety, and PCOS. I don't think the normal weight loss program will work anymore, otherwise it probably would have already. I just needed to mention this to someone, somewhere because I haven't told anyone and it really

I had the same deal with a sleep specialist. You're fat, it must be apnea. They did a sleep study and I didn't display any apnea, yet they said I had it anyway. Eventually I mentioned it to my psychiatrist and she prescribed me something for sleep that wasn't habit forming and it worked like a charm. Still on it a few

I never would have guessed! Thank you!


Did you ever think...somebody's talked you into being an idiot? No? Well then.

That's awesome. I am going to a new doctor next week because my old one is fatphobic or just mean (for instance, she told me to go to a weight loss program, and when I did, she was like, 'ehhhh...' because it was a different doctor than her and she had some kind of authority complex). I've been sort of brow-beaten for

I also love how they apologized to one person because she wasn't actually fat. Not because the email was terrible. Fat people don't deserve apologies!

Re: fat-shaming - I recently went with 3 friends to do bridesmaid's dress shopping and it was horrific. Seriously. This girl said at one place, "We have the most plus size options of any place!" They had Zero. They had no dresses above a 14. It made me wonder if they thought that 14 was plus size, a la high fashion.

This is why I'm in therapy, unable to date due to extreme fear of judgment about my body. Looks like I'm right!

I am enjoying today's news in this realm, what with this article and the stuff about the plus size model. Thanks, universe!

Especially because I pronounce it with a "u" like in "flute" (couldn't think of another word)

I bought a right hand ring a while back, and when I was going through financial trouble I tried to sell it. It has a bunch of small diamonds, sort of like pavé I guess, and one somewhat bigger one. The places I went to said the diamonds were worthless and would only give me a price for the gold that was in it ($50). I

I don't know. The plus side is that now he's once again available for me to marry.

I agree with a lot of what others are saying. Post is good for a beginner. And then when you start getting used to stuff, you can try Volta and Biophilia, then Medulla (the toughest one to like). ;) I have dearly loved favorites on all of them, but it took a while. Homogenic has "Unravel" (Thom Yorke's favorite song

O M F G. This is a word that we use at work all the time and it drives me absolutely insane. Sometimes (most of the time) people write "pallet". Sometimes it's "palett". Sometimes "pallett". Never "palette". :(((((

I am constantly worried that people think I'm pregnant when I'm walking around in there. Or when I accidentally wander into the normal section, that they think I'm delusional. Too much pressure!

I lived in an apartment with 5 other girls in college, near a place called "Capitol Center" which was called "Cap Center". So we came up with a fake sorority called "Kappa Kappa Center". :D

I have two relatives that were on this show. I think they continued to buy into it because they went on to create a weight loss center or something and they do promotional stuff. They are sort of snobby now. When my grandpa died, one of them came to the funeral with his agent and was all stand-offy in the corner. :-|